View Full Version : That is IT!!!!!

Buy A Paper Doll
05-01-2009, 10:35 AM
I have two birds with attitude problems right now. It takes a good 30 minutes to get them to go in their cage in the mornings because they fly away from me, get up on the plant ledge (10 feet high), perch and poop on the clock (12 feet high). And it's getting to the point where the eeeeeeevil Feather Duster of Doom isn't even enough to herd them into their cage.


Today I decided that is IT!!!!! Today has been declared Official Wing Clip Day.

Birds are pouting and plotting accordingly.

05-01-2009, 10:46 AM
UH OHHHHHHHHHHH...Look out birdies...Mamma's comin wiff da scissorsssssssssssss FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Oh Noooooooooo!!!...........:omg:

05-01-2009, 10:57 AM
Jenn, much as I hate to clip Big Boi and Shy, sometimes it HAS to be done! They've been so good (cooperative) for the last 6 months that I've not had to clip them but if they start that business of not going into their cages at night, they'll get a clip!:whistle:

Oliver, aka, Mr. Perfect Lovebird, hasn't been clipped in more than 3 years. :)

05-01-2009, 10:58 AM
I just went through a round of this! Sonny (CAG) was my first victim! He is a very aggressive Grey and is constantly harrassing Monty, Harley and Alex. Well, not anymore....... Scissors are a wonder attitude adjustment tool! :whistle:

Pips mom
05-01-2009, 11:11 AM
OHhhhh do I know that feeling all too well! Those little lovies......I don't even want to imagine what it would be like with Pip not clipped! I tried last time his flights were growing out and I let a few grow and lasted about a week, that was it! When I have to start playing "chase the birdie" then I know it's time! Pip doesn't even care anymore about being clipped.....he just makes the best of it and he's so strong willed that it hardly slows him down much at all! Plus his attitude changes when we slow him down a little! He still does everything he wants and even gets where he wants to go, and if he has to he'll climb to get there! even if it's climbing up me from the floor! The biggest problem though is when they start giving you a hard time about going back in the cage.......I really have no choice then because I can't be calling in to work saying I'll be late because I can't get my bird back in his cage! or be late for an appt.

Buy A Paper Doll
05-01-2009, 12:36 PM
The biggest problem though is when they start giving you a hard time about going back in the cage.......I really have no choice then because I can't be calling in to work saying I'll be late because I can't get my bird back in his cage!

I've had to do that. Repeatedly. :x

05-01-2009, 12:52 PM
And it's getting to the point where the eeeeeeevil Feather Duster of Doom isn't even enough to herd them into their cage.


Today I decided that is IT!!!!! Today has been declared Official Wing Clip Day.

Birds are pouting and plotting accordingly.

LOL!!! :rofl: They can just be the biggest stinkers one minute and the cutest little featherbutts the next can't they?!!! :whistle:

Barb :)

05-01-2009, 04:45 PM
i use a beach towel to catch them throw it like a net lol they dont like that and behave my only problem is if i clip one i clip all because the ones non clipped fly and tease the clipped ones and the clipped fids are so sad they cant fly with the flock so i use a towel or clip all of them at one time.

05-01-2009, 05:52 PM
I so wish I could clip Jack sometimes.

I'd hate to do it, she's so beautiful and confident in the air, but sometimes it would be nice if she just STAYED PUT!!!

I tried it once, and she went ballistic! Attacked her back and wings, rolled around on the cage floor, until they grew back.
I was really afraid she'd turn into a plucker.

05-01-2009, 06:01 PM
i completely understand. who needs working out when you have birds that fly from you cuz they know it's time to go back into the cage? i haven't clipped them yet. joey's just so happy and confident flying around and he's having so much fun. it's not fun for mama when I have to play Chase the Birdie. and darn are they fast.

05-01-2009, 07:13 PM
I agree.... it is the best attitude adjustment there is. lol

In honor of your wing clip... here is a video of Eddie's wing clip at the vet (for anyone who may have not seen one before)

And here he is all sweet after he got home:

Let us know how your babies do! You will be glad you did it!

05-01-2009, 10:08 PM
I have the same problem with Rammie (CAG) in the morning and at night. Not only will he fly away but he flips on his back to avoid going back to his cage.

The only problem is I cannot clip him. He is splayed and if I clip his wings, I am limiting his ability to move around completely which would probably be devastating to him.

05-02-2009, 02:51 AM
oohhhh.... when sunnybird became nearly fully flighted, she started getting sassy....fly aways & everything..and it even seemed like she wasn't enjoying her wings, she'd over-tire herself....but sunny's first wingclip still made her sulk for 3 days. i was worried she was sick. but after she got over it she was sooo sweet.

And now, after we got her clipped (we couldnt wait for all the flights to grow back in) seh finally dropped the last 2, adn now has 2 primaries right at the ends that have grown out. it's enough to give her great big leaps, but no upward movement. seh's still sweet, thankfully.

05-02-2009, 04:39 PM
Oliver, aka, Mr. Perfect Lovebird, hasn't been clipped in more than 3 years. :)

Dittobirdie hasn't been clipped in 5 years and even at the vet's office he was a perfect angel. :happy:

05-02-2009, 05:09 PM
I think I am going to come fidnap Ditto!

05-02-2009, 05:11 PM
As long as you don't touch me, he'd probably go with you willingly. Touch me and the little angel turns to :evil: ! :rofl: