View Full Version : Sold my Chickie, a sad day.

05-03-2009, 04:48 PM
I put the ad in the paper on Thursday, and I sold him this morning. I'm so sad. :very_sad: Crying buckets of tears. I miss him.

I thought I could keep him, but Juanita was always chasing him away, and Chickie was chasing Petey away, so it was not possible to keep him.

My Juanita and Petey are back to the cozy twosome, but I think these two called and looked for Chickie for a short while.

Chickie's new family has two gentle children, and I gave them a typed care sheet of his usual routine, his cozy hut to sleep in, a few of his toys, baggies of his food and treats. They wouldn't care for him the way I do, but I think they will take responsible care of him and love him in their own way.

The house is way too quiet now without Chickie's chatter.

05-03-2009, 07:48 PM
I hope Chickie found a great forever home. Giving up a fid is never easy:very_sad:.

05-03-2009, 08:24 PM
I am sure he is happy, and I am glad the other fids have returned to normal.

Sometimes a certain bird in a certain situation doesn't work. You made the right choice.

05-03-2009, 10:39 PM
I've recovered my equanimity, somewhat. Thank you for those bracing, but kind words. I needed that. :)

No, it wasn't easy giving Chickie up, :very_sad: but in the heart of my heart, I'm sure it was the right choice. He's young enough (16-weeks old) that I'm sure he'll take things as it comes in stride.

Most of all, I'm going to miss kissing him all over--his head, body, wings. It was so deep-down satisfying. Sigh. Can't do that with Juanita and Petey. Sigh. Sorry, I'll stop now.

He was starting to get "measles" --four or five spots -- on his forehead. :)

05-03-2009, 11:28 PM
Even with as many years as I've been breeding, it's still very hard for me each time one of my fids goes to a new forever home! I love them all but realize that I couldn't possibly keep everyone and still provide the attention level that everyone needs.

I think you did the right thing under the circumstances and I'm sure Chickie will do just fine.

05-04-2009, 12:02 AM
Thank you, Linda. I did wonder how you handled it, but I didn't want to ask--too intrusive, I thought.

Yeah, it's not easy.

05-04-2009, 12:08 AM
Hi Fuzzy, you did right by Chickie. Maybe you can get updates on Chickie's progress in the new home and some pics every so often? That could help. When we cry we shed tears but let these be tears of joy instead of sorrow. Filled with hope and love for Chickie's new life, one that you were a part of and always will be. It's never easy when our fids leave the nest. ;)

Barb :)

05-04-2009, 03:14 AM
I have been through this a few times and it never gets any easier.:very_sad:
There have been some people I have talked out of getting one of my lovies if I don't get the right feel with them.
(I tell them they can be destructive and they can bite quite hard and in my opinion they would be much better off with an xyz.)
But if no one sold any lovies then I would never have had my delightful fids, or you yours.
Of course NO ONE can look after them as well as we can, but you have made a family very happy. I'm sure Chickie will be fine in his new home, you can keep in touch with them for a while.

05-04-2009, 08:34 AM
Yes, giving up the babies is really difficult. I go through that every time one of mine leaves for their new home.

Most of the people have sent me photos of my birds in their new homes and that always makes me feel better. When I can see that they are happy in their new cages, with new toys, and a loving family it always makes it a bit easier.

If I could I'd keep them all, but that just isn't possible.

Chickie now has a new family to love, and to love him. :)

05-04-2009, 10:16 AM
Best wishes for Chickie in his new home!

I think you did the right thing for Chickie, especially because it wasn't working out with Juanita and Petey. (((((HUGS))))

05-04-2009, 12:50 PM
Thank you, thank you everyone.

This was the right solution, a real bummer (giving away my age!) of a solution for my husband and me, but the right one. I was surprised by the depth of sadness, though. Really was unprepared for how it broadsided me.

We've got our game face on and have wished Chickie the best.

In the meantime, Juanita and Petey have started another batch. :omg:

It may be time to investigate Lupron shots.

05-04-2009, 01:53 PM
I'm sure it was the best thing at the moment. I have been in a similar situation, and it really doesn't get any easier :(
I'm sure he will be better off, also, and your fids will be happier by the sounds of things.

05-04-2009, 07:01 PM
As someone who rehomes abandoned and abused parrots it's never easy but i stay in touch and get updates and know they are in a good home!