View Full Version : Flying directly into your face

05-08-2009, 02:51 AM
Elmo seems to LOVE flying directly at my face.. and just landing under my chin or wherever my shirt starts.

When she's coming into land.. I see her little claws getting ready and I just think it's going to be in my eyes.. I just close my eyes and pray!

It's the most petrifying thing.. I always think she's going to crash into my face!
Does anyone else have this?... Is she trying to intimidate me?

05-08-2009, 06:13 AM
Yup, I have the same problem. Execpt the bird doesn't land on my shirt or under my chin. My African Grey lands on my head. It usually comes with a "thud". Just picture the difference in size... claws out

05-08-2009, 07:46 AM
aww.. I couldn't help but laugh.. sorry elle hahahaha.. I tried to image an african grey coming towards me with their giant feet.. I'm amazed you still have eyes!! That is a scary sight!

05-08-2009, 08:27 AM
Yes!!! LOL I was gonna start a thread on this too. Joey loves to land on your face sometimes. Ouch cuz those claws can hurt

05-08-2009, 09:00 AM
Flying at faces is Ditto's favorite hobby. He's hoping you'll scream and duck. :omg: If you do he circles around and does it again (while chirping that sounds suspicously like a laugh) and will keep doing it until you stop ducking and screaming! :rofl:

If you don't do it he'll either fly around you and go back to his cage or land on your shoulder/head. :rofl:

05-08-2009, 09:06 AM
Oliver isn't too keen on flying to either of us yet, but he will fly to the couch we are on and walk around before going back to the safety of his cage. Im glad he doesnt dive bomb to my face, Id probably get out of the way just because of fear!!

05-08-2009, 09:20 AM
haha I'm glad elmo isn't the only one..

the worst thing she does is.. I'll be watching tv.. and she will sneak her way from the back of my head around to the front and BAM claws in the face but lowers herself JUST at the right time to land on my neck. It's so scary. the first time I thought she was just a bad flyer.. but after.. I don't know... the 100th time!.. i realise she does it on purpose!

haha.. taxman you'll have to tape ditto doing her face bomb! Don't tell elmo otherwise she might get a kick out of it!

bookworm, how do you handle the claws in the face... =|.... ive found little scratches on my arms from her walking up and down my arm today :(

05-08-2009, 12:34 PM
Sam used to land on my face when he was first learning how to use his landing gear. He got a little better if I wore something on top of my head, like a headband or sunglasses pushed up.

05-08-2009, 06:09 PM
well, joey doesn't land on my face a lot, but he'll do it sometimes. i just kinda gently push him away. oh yeah, momo, my arms are pretty jacked up themselves and my chest/neck area. evie and joey are preening machines and they're always climbing my arm. everyone at work teases me that my birds are eating me alive. lol

05-08-2009, 06:15 PM
well, joey doesn't land on my face a lot, but he'll do it sometimes. i just kinda gently push him away. oh yeah, momo, my arms are pretty jacked up themselves and my chest/neck area. evie and joey are preening machines and they're always climbing my arm. everyone at work teases me that my birds are eating me alive. lol

05-08-2009, 06:23 PM
My tiel poahaku does that, legs out tail spread plop right on my head or on the top of my glasses nothing like a fids doopa smacking into your face lol