View Full Version : Still trying to pick a name... found inspiration?

05-08-2009, 09:31 PM
So, the conures are soooo bitey, I have wounds all over. I came across this youtube video and love it!


Maybe I should name the new boy Charlie? lol

I have also thought of Rio, Roland (Rollie for short, as he rolls on his back alot) or Bo (short for Boeing)

For the girl: Rosie, Ruby, Connie, or Roberta (Bertie for short)

Any others?

05-08-2009, 10:39 PM
I'm trying to think of red related names but I think you covered them all. I like the names George, rueben, drake, scout, loki, luke, melvin. For girls I like Sydney, rao, Riley, Marley, Harlow and Monroe.

I know they are such random/odd/unique names but I enjoy them!!! Good luck in your name search. You can name them rueben and Riley!!! ; )

05-09-2009, 01:13 AM
How about Pele, the goddess of fire, for your female and Kamapua'a (or Kama for short), the one demi-god and lover who was able to be a match to her, for your male?

Pele and Kama!! :)

Can you get any redder than the goddess of fire and her magnificent lava flow??

05-09-2009, 08:45 AM
How about Pele, the goddess of fire, for your female and Kamapua'a (or Kama for short), the one demi-god and lover who was able to be a match to her, for your male?

Pele and Kama!! :)

Can you get any redder than the goddess of fire and her magnificent lava flow??

Excellent Hawaiian name ideas especially for birdies living in mass.:):)

05-10-2009, 12:36 AM
I checked out boogiepets dot com and some of the names I liked that they listed are: Abu, Adam, Aida, Aki, Ali, Alvin, Apple, Asha. Have fun going through them. :)

Personally, I find that my two like the names that start with consonants. It's also easier for them to mimic. Petey is easy for them to say: "Pete-pete" but Juanita is hard for them to say, at least, I haven't heard it yet from their mouths.

05-10-2009, 03:17 PM
Fuzzy, what kind of bird is talking to you? I wonder if my conures will talk?

05-12-2009, 11:58 PM
Sorry, Lemony, just saw your question--actually forgot that I posted here.

Juanita, my lovebird, says, "Go potty!" and "Step-up," and Petey, her lovebird mate, will mimic a sound, the latest (this still tears me up) is "Chickopea." He'll come out with this sound randomly, it seems, but it's on a speedy fast-forward.

Juanita actually speaks, but Petey doesn't. I know he's mimicking because I recognize the cadence. Sorry, I don't have any experience with conures. :)

Juanita is potty trained, but there are holding limits with these little guys. I don't remember how long it took to train her, maybe, two months. When she first lands on me in the morning, I hold her over newspaper and tell her to go potty, she does, then I place her on my shoulder. She'll poop again five minutes later, but it's not the bigger first poop.

She likes to hang out on my head, milling around, hanging down my face, hanging over my ears, and periodically, I will remove her and tell her to go potty. After she does, I place her back on my head and she continues to amuse herself. I enjoy her scratchy little toes on my head.

05-13-2009, 10:00 AM
Do you have names yet!!!!???!!! = )