View Full Version : Get Rid of Ground Wasps Without Pesticides

05-13-2009, 12:01 PM
I know this is totally unrelated to birds but I also know that many of us have experienced a problem with ground wasps. Thought I would share this with everyone.


05-13-2009, 12:49 PM
Neat idea! I don't believe I've ever seen them come out of the ground at my house.

I wish I had a foolproof way to keep them away from my house altogether. They build nests under every eave and boy am I scared of bees and wasps.

Sometimes I think it would be cool to be able to put a giant net over my house and yard!

05-13-2009, 12:59 PM
I've had yellow jackets in the ground in my back yard and they can be deadly if the colony gets angry! I thought it's a great idea but it would not have worked for my last colony. Those yellow jackets built their nest right next to a wooden post for a privacy fence so I killed them by pouring boiling water on the nest. It took several tries but I won the battle and came out unstung!

05-13-2009, 01:25 PM
YUCK that gives me goosebumps, I don't mind bugs outside but I cant think about them in my home!! Right now we have ants (thanks to my wonderful boyfriend leaving ONE chip on the ground. Gross!!

05-13-2009, 01:37 PM
Ewww! If the bees or wasps ever came in my home I'd leave all my stuff and move.

In my first apartment (when I was 17) there was a nest between the walls of my unit and the neighbor. They chewed a hole in their wall, and when they came home there was a swarm inside! I moved immediately!

05-13-2009, 02:18 PM
our house is terrible for bees. i guess they like the siding on our house. they are EVERYWHERE! and somehow always get inside. i hate them almost as much as i hate spiders.

05-13-2009, 02:22 PM
omg flapjack that is horrible! I wouldve moved too.

05-15-2009, 12:30 AM
I love listening to the gentle drone of the bees as I work in the garden. They love my lavendars and just-forming grape clusters. They seem to be docile--could they be Mason bees?

We get giant spiders in October, and I find them facinating, even called one Ida, the Spida. Took a picture of it. One of their webs caught a hummingbird, would you believe. Poor hummer was quite dead. Oddest sight.

Have to watch out for Black Widows, though. :)

My Homeowners Association made me destroy the wasp nest in the front under the eaves. :( It was a little nest, smaller than the palm of my hand. There was a smaller one also in the back under the eaves but the west facing wall must have been too hot for them--they didn't have good success with it. The wasps also worked next to me in the garden scraping wood to make their home and didn't bother me. I have tiny resident spiders living on my baseboards and they earn their keep by eating the little ants that occasionally get into the house through the cracks between the door and the jamb.