View Full Version : A new forever home for Beezle?

05-15-2009, 09:15 AM
So, I am thinking of maybe finding another home for my little Beezle. I think he might be able to find a better home where he might meet a mate or have more attention from his owner. Just wondering what other people think or to hear other experiences. I know most of you want an animal to have his forever home, but I think he might be happier since he's home alone a lot. :(

05-15-2009, 09:44 AM
sorry you are thinking of re-homing Beezle:(

How long have you had him? Is there a specific reason you think Beezle is unhappy? Has his behavior changed significantly at all or are you just feeling guilty for not being able to interact with him enough? Have you thought about getting another bird for him, so that he isn't so lonely? I know that when we initially thought about bringing another bird home we didn't think we could take on two, but when we got Oslo for Gus, it was a match made in heaven. He was so happy and it really made a huge difference in his behavior & his happiness. However, that being said I know some birds are better as single birds and it is not guaranteed they will get along with another bird. I also know that some just don't have the means to have two birds in their home. I know this decision is a hard one, trust me I have been there. If you are going to re-home please do all you can to make sure he goes to a wonderful home where he can get all the attention & love that is possible for him. Re-homing can be very stressful for birds and it is important to make the transition as easy as possible with the least amount of stress.

My Oliver is the only bird in our home (right now!! hehe) and I am at work from 9am - 5pm. I spend about 45 minutes with him in the morning while I get ready to go to work. I come home at lunch and spend an hour with him while I eat and then in the afternoon I make time for him to spend with everyone in our household on his play gym in whatever room we are in. He goes to bed at about 9pm and is with us until its time for sleep (provided we are home). He has a very large HQ cage and a LOT of toys and snacks and things to keep him busy while I am gone during the day. I know it is hard to leave your bird alone while you are gone, but a lot of us on this forum do that & honestly, I think it gives the birds some time to themselves and some time to explore their surroundings and be alone. Just like humans, they can't handle attention 24-7, it gets exhausting!!! As long as his cage is filled with things to do and you have a routine of interacting with him at least once during the day and evening I think he will do OK on his own.

I'll be thinking of you, I hope you make the decision that is the best for you, Beezle & your family. ((hugs))

Pips mom
05-15-2009, 09:49 AM
Just look at that little face in your avatar.....definitely looks like a birdie who would love more attention and probably being out of his cage more too. I think if you suspect that he is not happy with being alone when you aren't there and that he would be happier with someone who would have more time for him, then I think it's very unselfish of you to put his needs first, and want to do what you think is best for him. Two of my birds here were re-homed birds and had caring owners like you. I had to watch their sad faces as they gave up their birds....one even cried. I could sense that these were good caring homes and they just wanted to do the very best for their birds. It was easy for me to be happy about taking these birds as I knew they'd have all the good things here and alot of love. If you do decide to try to find him a good home......just take your time and find him one where he'll be spoiled and loved, and with someone who already has birds. I still keep in touch with these two previous owners with pics and updates and I'm sure I've helped make it alot easier on them to see how well they are doing, how happy, and of course, how happy I am to have these birds here.

05-15-2009, 06:24 PM
I'm sorry that you are thinking of rehoming Beezle.

Maybe you'd be able to find him a home with someone from the forum... where are you located?

Is work/life in general keeping you from spending time with him? Or are you just worried that he won't be happy without a mate?

Best of luck...

05-16-2009, 04:15 PM
Where do you live? :whistle: