View Full Version : is it too windy?

05-20-2009, 05:17 PM
it's hot and sunny outside and super windy. is it a bad idea to take one the fids to the park? obviously they'll be in a cage. winds are 30 to 50 mph.

05-20-2009, 05:28 PM
YIKEs that IS windy! I dunno if I would take them out. It might be a little stressful for them to experience those kind of gusts, even if it IS sunny outside.

05-20-2009, 07:13 PM
Not to mention flying dirt and debrie, and the wind blowing the cage around etc etc also god forbid it does get out even if clipped the wind can allow a lovie to fly quite a distance away!

05-20-2009, 07:26 PM
don't worry, i didn't go... i was gonna take joey and set him in my lap, but it got a bit too late to go. he would have been fine in my lap. i'll have to take them on a better day when the wind isn't so brutal. it's so weird cuz it's rare that it gets as windy as today. how i managed to go to work in a mini skirt and not flash anyone, I have no idea unlike my coworker, whose dress did a marilyn monroe on her in the middle of a busy street. lol

05-20-2009, 08:52 PM
this is totally random but i'm just wondering . . . do you feel kind of foolish sitting there with a bird in a cage at the park? because i keep thinking about doing the same thing, but then i'm like, people will think i'm some crazy bird lady, out with a caged bird! like when you see people walking ferrets . . . kay, i guess that's not that weird any more . . . but, hopefully you can see my point. :)

05-20-2009, 09:36 PM
haha, no, cuz my friends are all there and they're always asking me to bring my birds to the park. now, if i was alone, that's a different story!!!!! LOL I would never go to a park alone w/ my birds just sitting there. haha. no, my boyfriend goes there w/ his friends and they play volleyball on the grass. i just normally go and read a book so i was gonna bring joey just he can get out of the house. seriously, my friends asked about them and that i should bring them next time, so i was gonna do that today.