View Full Version : What's up w/ swollen footsie?!

08-12-2005, 01:14 PM
PP has a swollen footsie as well!

Whoever put the darn band on his leg did a **** poor job of it; it's supposed to be an open band, but whoever put it on, put it on WAY too tight, crimping it close.

He's always chewed on it...but the last few days he's been biting it WAY more than normal.

I checked last night, and it's swollen with some bloody marks on it!!!

So PP has an apt with the vet today so hopefully once removed, his footsie will be A okay!!

08-12-2005, 02:00 PM
My new boys were banded because they did come from a breeder and that is the norm but I had the bands removed when I took them in for their work up. I figured that I didn't need that information since I know the breeder, Rubygem, a member of this forum. :) I'm sure that most of the time, the bands are never a problem but I didn't want to take a chance that they could become one so, off they went. Hope your lovies leg is better very soon!

08-12-2005, 02:02 PM
Must be an epidemic! Hope he's okay.

We tried banding all four of our birds. Must have done it too early because the mom pulled them right off. Too bad because I'd like to be able to keep a record of them and band numbers are the only way I know how to do that.

Good luck with your lovie!

08-12-2005, 02:45 PM
Lily has her band on her footsie, but it's on properly so it at least is able to slide up and down a bit, giving air to circulate properly.

PP's was SOOoOooO tight that it was starting to cut off her circulation!!!

We just got back to from the vet and everything went smoothly!!

PP was being a little poopers, biting the crap out of the vet... hehehhehe. I guess I would too if someone grabbed me and then took pliers to my wee little footsie!! Afterwards, he hopped back into his traveling cage, showing the vet that he was still able to grip and move his footsie.

As soon as we got back in the car, PP perched to the side closest to me in his traveling cage and started crying. hahahhahaha.

He was so brave at the doctor's office in front of strangers bitting the poopers out of them, but in front of just his mama, he is still a little baby!

08-12-2005, 02:47 PM
Awww, that story was so cute. I'm glad he's alright.

08-12-2005, 11:03 PM
I'm glad the vet got the band off without ill effects. I don't have bands on mine because they are pets. The only bird I had that was banded was Peter and the vet removed it first shot.

I'm happy all is well with your baby!!