View Full Version : Reminder/Warning to everyone

05-25-2009, 08:05 AM
As some of you may know. I now have a new fid as of Sunday. Currently named "Untitled as I don't have a name.

This is just a reminder for everyone.. please QT your birds. I just took Untitled to the vets today straight after work as he was too sleepy for my liking to wait til Wednesday..

The vet.. (the one the referral list.. I too, secondly recommend this vet thoroughly).. said Untitled has Psittacosis. Although he tried to ease me by telling me, he sees 2-3 cases a week and that it's bird the bird common cold.

Unfortunately, for the first few hours that Untitled was home, she was in the same room as Elmo. Although they were meters apart, I forgot to buy a happy hut and ducked out to buy one quickly. The vet said that Untitled would have had to sneeze and poo in elmos cage for her to catch it.. but I am putting elmo on the medicine as well. I would not and will not forgive myself if anything ever happened to Elmo.

We had blood work and a gram stain done. The vet is happy with the external of Untitled. It's just her white blood count is double what it should be, so he suspects that it's Psittacosis.

I now have them both on Doxycycline Hydrochloride. Mum and I have just spent the whole night disinfecting the house...

Please everyone go through QT no matter how lazy you are feeling, even if it's a few hours together.. you never know..

I am trying to think positive that QT is lucky he has come to a forever home who will and does take him to the vet and get him all the medicine he needs to get better. But this still doesn't resolve my guilt towards Elmo. Although Elmo is acting normal like she always is. I still worry.

05-25-2009, 08:22 AM
you are a wonderful fidma - don't berate yourself for not doing QT to the exact letter. We all get lax sometimes - it is human nature. Instead, praise yourself for taking untitled to the vet promptly, recognizing that something was off. Hopefully you caught everything quickly, and both birds will be just fine. ((((((hugs)))))))

Pips mom
05-25-2009, 08:56 AM
Hopefully you caught everything quickly, and both birds will be just fine.

I'm thinking the little bit of time they were in the same room, chances are Elmo escaped catching anything.......but I guess better safe than sorry. I sure hope the new guy does ok now!

05-25-2009, 09:20 AM
Thank you for your kind words. I am trying not to beat myself up over this, but I just keep thinking what if.

The vet gave me the solution to put in the water. Elmo absolutely hates this. I've cut off all of her alternative water sources around the lounge room. She has gone to all of them to realise they are empty and resorted to drinking her medicated water. One day down, 44 to go.

Just a question regarding this QT, if I go into the spare room and sit with Untitled for a while but don't touch her. Am I all right to go back into Elmo's room with the same clothes. Obviously will wash my hands. Do I need to do anything in between to ensure QT is sustained?

05-25-2009, 09:39 AM
Do not put Elmo on medication unless it's necessary! Antibiotics are very hard on a bird's system and should not be used without good reason. High white count with your new bird is good reason. If you want to have a blood test done for Elmo in about 4 weeks, you will know her status. Otherwise, no unnecessary meds.

As for Psittacosis, Doxycycline is the medication of choice and treatment is for 45 days. Since the new bird and Elmo were not in direct contact with each other, Elmo is most likely fine. However, Psittacosis can be transmitted from bird to bird, bird to human and human to bird. After you touch the new bird, make sure you disinfect yourself before handling Elmo.

Your new bird should be fine with treatment. Glad he found a good forever home with you and that you cared enough to take him to see an avian vet. That well bird check up is very important!

05-25-2009, 09:51 AM
Thanks Linda.

I will give elmo back her normal water. I am just worried that because I left them there for a few hours. That a feather or something may have floated across the room.

When I changed the bottom of the New Birds cage today, I wore gloves and a face mask. The vet said that is the time when humans are most at risk because the feces may go everywhere and be inhaled.

Next time I plan to bring a fid home, which will not be for a very long time now.. I will plan it so I pick up the new fid and take it straight to the vets. Big lesson learnt. I just hope I don't need to pay a big price for it in Elmo.

05-25-2009, 01:21 PM
Thank you Momo for posting this - it seems too many people are careless when it comes to bringing a bird home where another bird already has been. Quarantine does SUUUUUCK, I will be the first to admit it, lol!! But it only stinks because you want so bad for your birdies to play together and have a good ole time as best feathered friends! But it is SO necessary to quarantine. I am on a parrotlet forum and I always read about how people are bringing home buddies for their single parrotlet but I rarely read anything that says "quarantine" - it seems a lot of the time the birds are just placed together and thats that. I constantly am writing how important it is to separate for at least 30 days, IMO it cant be said enough. It is HEARTBREAKING to lose a bird, let alone lose a bird in a way that could be preventable through quarantine.

Good luck with your new baby!! (I want to see pictures!) and YEA QUARANTINE!!

05-25-2009, 05:02 PM
I am sure Elmo will be fine. I know what you mean though. I had forgotten to change my clothes and played with Eddie while still wearing quarantined bird shirt and was freaking out too.

Good news is that you caught it early. I am sure all will work out. Don't beat yourself up.

05-25-2009, 06:29 PM

here are some links to some photos of him.

Man I need to have a check list on the QT room door. Ensuring I don't make any more mistakes.

I just want to ask after QT is over. how do I disinfect that room because it's one of elmo's favourite rooms.

05-25-2009, 06:53 PM
What a cute little bugger! What kind of eyering species is that? A dilute or hybrid or something? Adorable!

Hope the naming goes better for you than it has for me!

05-25-2009, 11:32 PM
Oh he is precious! I looked at a fischers mutation with very similar coloring before I decided to bring home Loki. I would have adopted him if some things about the breeder's bird room didn't turn me off.

Pips mom
05-26-2009, 08:46 AM
When I changed the bottom of the New Birds cage today, I wore gloves and a face mask. The vet said that is the time when humans are most at risk because the feces may go everywhere and be inhaled.

A good idea too is to take a spray bottle of water and spray the bottom with it lightly before changing......this keeps all that stuff from flying around.

05-26-2009, 09:25 AM
From what I can see in the photo, your new bird could be either a Dilute Blue Mask or a Dilute Blue Fischer's. Blue Fischer's is a hybrid and sometimes it's almost impossible to tell which you are looking at. Personatus may be able to offer an opinion here.

Unless you are getting a bird from someone you know has healthy birds and is diligent with their care, always, always, always quarantine! Chlamydia/Psittacosis is not always easy to spot via symptoms so it's possible to get a sick bird and you will not know it.

05-26-2009, 09:50 AM
A good idea too is to take a spray bottle of water and spray the bottom with it lightly before changing......this keeps all that stuff from flying around.

The vet recommended the same thing. :)

Today he's looking a bit better today. When I went to change the lining of his cage after work, he was ALOT more alert, did not like the fact that I was putting my hand in his cage. Must be a good sign.

Ive noticed that Untitled pigs out on food ALOT more than Elmo does. Elmo takes her time to eat, whereas Untitled scoffs his food down like theirs no tomorrow, which is understandable coming from an aviary.

Tomorrow I am disinfecting the whole cage. Where is the best place to "store" untitled while I am doing this. I am thinking about putting him in a cardboard box that I have. I know that sounds terrible but I want to put him in something that I can throw away asap.

05-27-2009, 10:48 PM
I'm glad Unity is feeling better. :)

Juanita had tested positive for this infection, too, probably because she was outside for a while and picked it up from the wild birds before I brought her in. But this year, her blood test came back negative, so her body has managed to defeat it--such a relief.

05-28-2009, 05:33 AM
I walked into Untitled QT room today after work.. He's sitting there all nice and pretty looking staring at me.. I knew something was up..

He's chewed off the hanging cord to his happy hut!! Obviously must be feeling HEAPS better!!

Yay.. I have another destroyer.. :x:x:x

05-28-2009, 03:23 PM
Oops! I meant Untitled. Sorry!

It's such a relief that he's feeling better, especially with that innocent look on his face--a giveaway for sure. :)

Such a naughty birdie. He deserves a kiss, don't you think?

05-28-2009, 04:20 PM
You know reading your posts the name Ut popped into mine.lol
