View Full Version : Three Reasons Why...

05-26-2009, 12:08 AM
I need to get my camera fixed!! Some of these things are just plain cute, and others I sort of want to post to make sure my birds aren't ill or deranged! Either way, if a picture says a thousand words, I imagine a video could say more, and the sight of these events can express so much more than any description ever could!

#1- Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Perch... Odinn pulls his fleece snuggle (which is a foot-long x 4 inch wide piece of fringed fleece that hangs over the top of their cage and hangs down on either side of their favorite grapevine perch, in which Freyja and Odinn snuggle into at night) over the perch and dirty dances on it until he snuffles it off with his movement, picks it up every few seconds, and starts anew. :rotfl This brings us to reason #2.

#2- I'm surprised Odinn has the stamina for the fleece-on-perch action so frequently considering the how often Freyja sticks it to him a day. YES, Freyja is typically on TOP when they dance... Is this normal? I've always seen & heard of the male on top, and I've never had lovebirds quite this physically amorous. And that IS saying something! :blush:

#3- When sitting with my leg propped up, Benny P'let will occasionally hippity hop down my leg and perch on the tip of my big toe. When he gets there, he invariably cocks his head and ruffles the feathers thereon in such a way as he does to request scritches! Now, I cannot bend that way because of my bad joints, (in fact I'm not sure anyone could possibly move in such a way as to keep the little bird perched on toe-tip from a reclined pose- perhaps one of you able-bodied folk can tell me!- and get down that-a-way to scritch them), and he knows at this point he isn't getting scritched when he's down there, but he seems to enjoy my amusement when he does this, so he keeps it up. So cute! :D

05-26-2009, 08:19 AM
Yup.....:rofl:.....sounds like a video cam may do a better job. As for the mating ritual, perhaps Freyja and Odinn are the lovebird/parrot equivalent of Masters and Johnson?.....Please let us know as soon as the new "Love-bird" manual comes out in paperback. I'm sure my two little Don juan's would love a copy each for themselves.....:rolleyes:......Speaking of the big toe thing.........B.B seems to think we need more couch cushions by performing daily exercises upon their corners.....:blush:.....Needless to say, he's not too receptive of scritchies, but, has no problem entertaining you for hours on end. Still haven't seen any baby cushions yet............:)

05-26-2009, 10:12 AM
haha definitely want to see videos of your fids!! I think pictures may not do your stories justice!! Im so excited for you, your little flock sounds wonderful!