View Full Version : My lovebirds almost get "high" from their millett :)

06-04-2009, 02:52 PM
Hi everybody,

Whenever my lil lovebirds eat their millet spray, they get happy. Especially Joon, she gets this smile in her eyes that is half open, half shut. She whistles a bunch of chirps, almost like she's singing or chatting. :happy: So CUTE. She gets tired after a while and chirps herself into a lil nap...:rofl:

Anyone notice this? Speaking of snacks, what fruits are your fids faves?

06-04-2009, 03:07 PM
Speaking of snacks, what fruits are your fids faves?
Fruit? Fruit? Not my guys! Harley, my TAG, will eat banana but other than that, fruit is evil, pure evil!!!

Favorite foods among my birds include homemade cornbread, shredded carrot, collard greens, fresh steamed corn, sprouts, and figs. I put mixed veggies in the cornbread and everyone unknowingly eats any veggie that happens to be in the mixture..... :whistle:

I have one lovebird named Echo that absolutely adores shelled pistachio peanuts. When he sees one or I go near the container, he does everything from dance to moonwalk just so I will give him one. He always eats every delicious morsel and he's been known to devour as many as 5-6 in one day!

06-04-2009, 03:21 PM
My two don't go for fruits either...

with the exception of 2 things: Dried Fig and pomegranite. They went a bit nuts over the pomegranite...and boy is that messy to clean up! :rofl:

They love corn, peas, broccolini and broccoli.

I clipped a piece of fresh red bell pepper to the cage for them this afternoon and they really seem to like that, although I'm not sure how much of the bites they take actually end up inside the birdie-bellies!

It seems they always throw the veggies around. :evil: I'm just happy if they show any interest in destroying OR eating it. I figure if they put any of it in their beaks, SOMETHING should end up inside!!! :roll:

06-04-2009, 03:32 PM
honeydew and cantaloupe.

06-04-2009, 05:29 PM
Oslo & gus wouldnt touch fruits or veggies - I gave them some organic corn once and the LOVED IT - Oliver also LOVES corn, must be something about the taste that revs them up!!

06-04-2009, 07:17 PM
Bea loves her veggies! Brocoli, corn, peas, kale, she can't get enough and thinks that they are just the best! Pal, our GCC will eat some fruit, but only if we eat it too! She also likes the above listed veggies but her favorite is pumpkin seeds. She absolutely adores them! Anything for the fids! ;)

Barb :D

06-05-2009, 04:03 PM
Thanks guys. I did notice mine don't care much for the fruit (apple, peeled seedless grapes,) but I had some broccoli and shredded carrots in a small bowl a few times and they seemed to like them more. I'll keep testing out appropriate snacks for them. Of course I can always know they'll just DEvour the millet. I will only give it to them every other day or so, because it seems the more they eat the millet, the less they eat their regular healthy mix.

06-05-2009, 04:08 PM
My two love green grapes but will not go near a red grape, theyll attack it!! They love broccolli, peas, sweetcorn, runner beans, and lately theyre into tomato, they do not like any other fruit but green grapes (maybe a lick to some orange or apple but just a lick!)

06-05-2009, 07:26 PM
kiwi loves watermelon, apple, grapes, broccoli, sugar snap peas, kale, just tried arugula...loved it.......spinach, corn....he's a pretty good eater. sometimes it takes a week or so of offering the same item, with you oohing and aahing over it, before they decide to like it!! :)

06-05-2009, 07:41 PM
Freyja and Odinn also act a bit "stoned" when they're eating millet or birdie bread...

for fruit they enjoy dried figs, strawberries, and mango best, though the will also eat raisins, prunes, apples and grapes sometimes and sparingly.

Linda- Freyja and Odinn must be odd balls, though their favorite foods have remained the same, they have picked up a taste for some fruits.

Carrier- They haven't tried pomegranite yet, but its funny you should say that- as I LOVE Pomegranite, I will have to let the birds try it. I was recently recommended to feed the birds some dried goji berries. I know they are very nutritious for human beings, so I suppose it stands to reason if they aren't bad for birds and they like them, that such things would be a welcome addition to their diets!