View Full Version : Random Thoughts: Do Black-masked lovies tuck

06-13-2009, 08:31 AM
paper? I thought I read somewhere that they don't. Why wouldn't they? Oreo is just as interested in paper (aka chewing up my books!) as what Peanut is.

Anybody have both, a peach-faced and an eye-ring species? (species-is that the right word?)

I've had Peanut almost 2 years and I still have loads of questions...

Everything I've read says not to compare parrots to children, but then I read twice as much where it says that parrots are just like toddlers. I wish people would make up their mind LOL

Seriously, raising Peanut, is just like when I had infants and toddlers running round the house. Except none of my children ever tried to take off my moles LOL

06-13-2009, 08:50 AM
Eye-ring species of lovebird do not tuck material in their rump feathering. I've had and bred Eye-ring and non eye-ring species and Peachies are the only ones who display this behavior.

I've also heard it said that many parrots have the intelligence equivalent of a 2 yr old but I'm truly beginning to question that, myself. I think we underestimate the intelligence level because we've never studied it in depth.

06-13-2009, 12:20 PM
I've had a few masked lovies over the years and none tucked nesting material. However, they are MASTER nest makers that can outnest any peachie. My masks actually carried large nesting items in their beaks and flew them to their nesty material. They rarely chewed up the material like the peachies, making their nests much more elaborate. Of course, I've only had male masked lovebirds and don't know much about the females.

06-13-2009, 05:11 PM
I agree, Linda. I think they are smarter than a 2 year old!

That must be why I always see toys scattered in Oreo's cage and in his hut. I often wondered how he got those things so scattered and how on earth he got those things up in his hut or on his shelf!! Thank you Laura. The mystery has been solved LOL

LOL Heather. I had a female lovie for awhile and yes, she was very assertive in her nesting habits.

06-15-2009, 05:10 AM
I really admire the nests masks make. I offer mine willow branches as bulk nesting material. You will also notice most masked lovies will drag the twigs/leaves through water before putting it in the nest!

...When they are nesty its best not to get between the hens and the nesting material as they are like heat seaking missiles and nothing gets in their way...

You can say that again! It's like world war 3 here with all these nesting hens :rotfl

06-15-2009, 05:20 AM
Masked lovie hens are master nest builders! The bigger the nest box you give them, the more material they will drag into it. I had one pair that would build a nest that required 10 palm fronds! :omg: