View Full Version : An anniversary of sorts

Buy A Paper Doll
08-13-2005, 08:19 PM
One year ago today my area was hit by hurricane Charley. The storm caused enough damage to my sister's house that her family had to evacuate for several days. My house was also damaged, but not as much, so they all came here until they were sure that their house was safe to live in. I kept her parakeets for several days after that, until things settled down a bit at her house. I enjoyed having the birds here, and I missed the noise after they went back home. It was because of this that I got the idea to have my own pet birds. After doing some research, I decided on a lovebird ... who was supposed to be named Charley, but somehow ended up being named Milo instead. And that's how I ended up finding this board. :)

I "celebrated" by going to the local bird store and picking up a bunch of toys and treats for my lovies. Photos 36 and on in this album (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2124137361) show the birdies enjoying their new toys.

08-13-2005, 09:07 PM

I guess this is what they mean by something good coming out of something bad.

I know I'm not alone when I say I just never thought of myself as a bird person,but some circumstances changed that. It sounds like the same happened to you.

I always enjoyed the backyard birds, but did not have a clue how they can just totally steal your heart, and fill a place you never knew was empty before you experienced the bond with a birdie. Milo is one lucky fellow, and little Mel made out good herself :)

Oh yeah, and you know, Charley can always come later :lol

08-13-2005, 11:03 PM
Awesome pics !!!!!!
Thanks for sharing :)
They are way too cute for their own good ya know !!!!! LOL

08-14-2005, 09:02 AM
Jennifer, great photos! After you posted about the pinata last week, I went right out and got one and my boys love it! :)

It is amazing how we end up acquiring a lovebird when the thought had maybe never occurred to us until something like Charley, in your case, happens. In my case, I just happened to drop a package off (for my son, living in Charleston SC) with a girl who was heading off to College of Charleston to start her freshman year. Her mother, a friend of mine, called to say they had room to take something to my son if I had something to send. I was sitting in their kitchen and she said, "btw, would you like to have Laura's lovebird?" I said, "what does a lovebird look like???" I really didn't know. I went up to Laura's room and there sat OLIVER! They told me to "think" about it, they'd be gone for a week, and I could let them know when they got back. Oliver was being left home ALONE for that period of time which they said was OK and that they'd often left him for 5 to 7 days....with a big bowl of seed and water...:omg: I came home, put "lovebirds" in my search engine, found THIS forum and read enough to know I had to get him BEFORE they got back! And, I did! They gave me their garage door code and I got him! :D So, if I had not had a package to send and if they hadn't mentioned a lovebird to me, it never would have happened! F-A-T-E!!! :D

Like Lori, I love the backyard birds so getting to finally have one inside was a no brainer! :D

08-14-2005, 11:56 AM
Cute pics as usual!

The rings above the munch ball are a "BIG" hit with Molly. Although, Molly's toy has a bell in between the rings. The last one I bought (which is $6.00 :eek: ) Molly destroyed in a matter of days. I told her not to attack it all at once cause they only had one left & she got it :p Next time I'll buy three if they have them. I may try a pinata. Daisy would be the one to shred it to pieces like Melly. :D

08-14-2005, 06:21 PM
I never thought of myself as a bird person until I met Ditto. And like Janie I had no clue what a lovebird even was until my last girlfriend told me she had one so I looked it up.

Then I babysat him for a few months and even though Barb didn't go to Indiana like she origionally planned and was here almost every day he started liking me more and more everyday. Even after she moved in he decided that I was the one he liked best. Now she's outta here and Ditto stayed. He wouldn't have it any other way. :cool:

08-15-2005, 09:57 PM
Jennifer.....Here's to surviving the tragedies and stresses in our lives.....buying bird toys is a good way to celebrate/perk up for any event.....we came very close to loosing our 19 year old son Mid-June....while he was riding his street bike (crotch rocket) at night....my husband had the foresight to make him go along on a trip to the lake so another kid wouldn't be riding alone in the dark....a bad decision was made.....a horrific wreck unfolded before him and amazingly he was not hurt.... but he had to search for the other rider in the dark over the guard rail in waist high grass......managed to save his life, but the kid lost his foot and arm.....our son had just finished an EMT course a couple of mo before that and decided it was not the career for him...I was disappointed, but I told him at the time the information he learned would be invaluable and would save his own life as well as those with him in an emergency...I have submersed myself into my birds....and concentrated on getting to know you guys at this board.....my husband has indulged my interest and let me have all these birds (I began with the 4 parakeets) & (have acquired 8 birds/varied species between June 4th & Aug. 3rd)....did I mention that I was an Attention Defecit child......Dark Side Smark Side......and I am having a ball with them.....and I really enjoy visiting with all of you guys on this board......Thank you!....Thank You! ;)