View Full Version : Sad Gremaldo

06-14-2009, 04:04 PM
Hi guys- I posted the other day about my BIL's lovie that escaped through a window.
Her name was Elizabeth. She and her "mate" Gremaldo are actually Jack's older brother & sister. They are from the clutch just prior to Jack's (same parents).
Gremaldo is so sad now. :very_sad:
Greg asked me to take him, to see if Jack would get along and pair up with him. My husband says NO WAY. >:
I feel so bad for him, as he sees all the other birds have a mate.
And he's blue- the color Jack was supposed to be when I brought her home (she didn't have feathers yet).
Grrr- I wish my hubby would be more kind, and love birdies as much as I do.

06-14-2009, 05:16 PM
If you have 3, one more should not create a problem, although Jack is really Jackie and Gremaldo is a male..... How would you handle that? I think any chance you have lies with the answer to that question.

06-14-2009, 07:35 PM
aw, sad. how unfortunate that elizabeth got out through an open window. poor baby, i always worry about lost birds. can you sweet talk your husband?

06-14-2009, 08:19 PM
awwww poor baby!! Im so sad for Gremaldo, what a tragic accident. Is Elizabeth fully flighted? I wonder if maybe she is in a tree? Poor baby. Im sorry about your husband not wanting another bird - I understand your sadness for Gremaldo. I hope you get to bring him home!!!

06-14-2009, 09:30 PM
I agree with Linda.... think of the "eggie" issues with a pair, and that would be the best answer for you.

Sounds like you need to work on the hubby.... my poor boyfriend lets me do whatever I want. Sometimes I need to be reined in though! lol

I hope Elizabeth is found.

06-14-2009, 11:05 PM
you can always boil the eggs or something if they get busy. does your bil want to get another bird for gremaldo?

06-14-2009, 11:12 PM
Thanks, guys- I've posted about her on every site possible. We had hopes this morning when a guy put an ad on CL about "A parakeet, I think". He said in the ad that he didn't know what it was, and I know many people mistake lovies for budgies when they aren't familiar with birds. Nope, wasn't her.

I wouldn't allow chicks if I were to bring Gremaldo home. They are brother and sister (I know it is possible to have healthy babies, but it's too weird for me), and with the economy the way it is, I cannot guarantee homes for them.

I know my husband won't allow Gremaldo here, which is so disappointing. He still wants me to give up Nokomis (due to his noise).

06-15-2009, 10:54 AM
Have you trie putting Gremaldo's cage outside, do you think she'd respond to his calls? When my two are in seperate rooms they call like mad to each other, hope she is found safe :(

06-15-2009, 12:49 PM
Oh the old "noisy" issue. I remember with Gus, whenever he would scream I would sort of make that face like "oh crap, here we go" and my boyfriend would of course make some comment on the volume level in the home. They are birds - its what they do! But I understand, some people don't realize that pets DO do things that are normal. I hope he finds his little buddy soon!!

06-15-2009, 01:11 PM
LOL- He used to think Jack was loud... and she is, compared to Chino (who is virtually silent) but...

You haven't heard loud until you hear Nokomis. Now my hubby thinks Jack is quiet. I swear- he rivals much larger birds in his mastery of the alarm.

He does it at the worst times, too. Sometimes for 5 or 10 minutes. These are the times I'd love to go in and pick him up so he'll be quiet, but I don't, because I don't want to give him attention for it.

The family didn't bargain for this in their home. I didn't either, but I'm more patient about it.

I thought it would get better over a few months. I've had him since February, and it's not any less frequent.

I know one more little lovie would not be a problem, but my husband is adamant.

06-15-2009, 01:32 PM
He does it at the worst times, too. Sometimes for 5 or 10 minutes. These are the times I'd love to go in and pick him up so he'll be quiet, but I don't, because I don't want to give him attention for it.
Reward the behavior you want! When he's being quiet, tell him what a good bird he is! Birds are intelligent. It won't take him long to realize that he has to be quiet in order to get the attention he wants.

If his noise is contact calls, respond but respond quietly. Perhaps moving his cage to a location where he has a better view of what's going on might help. This is assuming you have room available to do it.

Alex (BFA) simply goes through Amazon overload every day at just about the same time. It lasts a short time and she's done. That's one of the few behaviors I haven't been able to modify! :(

06-15-2009, 01:42 PM
Thanks, Linda-

Yep- we're working on it. I've gone to hundreds of websites, spoken to bird behaviorists, tried countless techniques.

Still loud. I wish you could hear it. OMG

06-15-2009, 01:57 PM
My macaws are pretty loud when they get started so I can sympathize with your eardrums!!!! Mine scream when they want to let me know that someone is coming to the door, they want to go to bed or they want more attention.......... All in all, they aren't too bad but it's enough to make your ears ring for a few seconds.