View Full Version : Sunday, SUNDAY, SUNNNDAYYY!

06-18-2009, 06:38 PM
Our new camera for photographing our show fish arrives...

but of course, this camera is not limited to fish photos...

Be prepared for birdie photo overload.

06-18-2009, 06:44 PM
Hmm. If you take so many pics, we might not see them 'till monday, Monday, MONDAY!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

06-18-2009, 09:28 PM
kristy, it's about time!!!!!

Pips mom
06-18-2009, 10:44 PM
Ahhhh, finally! pics! you're gonna be going CRAZY with pics! can't wait to see them! :clap

06-19-2009, 07:04 PM

06-19-2009, 07:06 PM
I was wondering what you fed your bettas. When I bred them, I had more nasty cultures of microworms and smelly white worms around my house. Now I am down just to one original female breeder and I feed her bloodworms and pelleted diet. The stuff with the pink top, I forget what it was called. Should I be giving her other things? She is old now. Three years old at least.

06-19-2009, 08:02 PM
I was wondering what you fed your bettas. When I bred them, I had more nasty cultures of microworms and smelly white worms around my house. Now I am down just to one original female breeder and I feed her bloodworms and pelleted diet. The stuff with the pink top, I forget what it was called. Should I be giving her other things? She is old now. Three years old at least.

She is at the end of her natural life-span, but I have had bettas live longer than 4 years. It is unusual, but it does happen! Betta splendens typically live 2-3 years. You must be taking very good care of her. Since she has lived long and well on the foods you're feeding her, its up to you to change anything- but this is how I feed my fish, and how I might if I only had a small number of them...

I feed my babies vinegar eels the first three days, and a combination of live baby brine shrimp, live baby daphnia pulex, and live microworms and walter worms until they can take adult food.

For your geriatric female, frozen bloodworms are great, but only one feeding a week of 2-3 worms- which can be a pain in the butt with frozen blood worms- although San Francisco brand started making them in really tiny blister packets.

I would add frozen daphnia and frozen brine shrimp as staples along with the pellets. The only pellets I use are Attison's Betta Pro and Hikari Gold- the rest, that I know of, are lacking in nutritional value. I also fast my betta fish one day per week and break their fast with a tiny piece of blanched frozen pea- it provides some nutrients that they don't get in captivity as well as helping to move their bowels, plus they love it and consider it a treat. Its a bit much to keep live cultures for one betta fish, so frozen foods work best. Freeze-dried foods cause digestive problems over time, though they are OK in a pinch and during times when frozen foods aren't available.

Blanched pea- take a frozen pea and microwave it in aquarium water for a few seconds. Peel the outer skin off, and chop it into tiny betta-bite-sized pieces. Feed her a few, it will lengthen her life.

06-20-2009, 10:16 AM
Yes I agree, ITS ABOUT TIME WITH THE PHOTOS!! I dont think Ive seen pictures of frey and O since right around the time you brought them home!!

06-20-2009, 04:29 PM
Frey and Odie look beautiful. They had their last baby molt and their adult colors are stunning. Today Freyja was inside a bowl of fresh food I gave them, eating it, while Odinn pushed her around the bottom of the cage in it. It was very cute. Unfortunately, our camera died shortly after the birds got here! I have NONE of my own photos of Benny! Soon, soon.