View Full Version : Training Fiona

06-22-2009, 03:10 PM
As you know, I've got 3 birds, one lovie and two tiels!
After the last tiel came in to our house, Fiona, my lovie, has been imposible to train. She is hand tame, but we would like to have more control over her. When I take her out of the cage, she flys right to Frøken/Miss or Loke's cage. And she is like a kid with ADHD! :rofl:
When I take her to the hallway to train with her, her focus is on the other two birds in the next room.... Not a good situation...!!
So the next time, I'm taking her cage with me to the hallway before I let her out. Hoping this will make her more calm when we are to train :D

Do you have any tpis on how to make her more calm with the 2 other birds?
Or how to train her to get more control over her?

06-22-2009, 03:27 PM
Fiona sounds like a true bird - independent!!!:rofl: When training a bird with other birds in the home I have found it best to be in a room where the bird cannot see or hear the other birds and can only focus on you. This was hard with my lovebirds Oslo and Gus because Gus would literally scream until O was back in view, lol!! She sounds like she is just trying to be social with the other birds, which is normal - birds are social creatures!!!

I guess that with the other birds in the home you may have constant competition for attention. I know my lovebirds just fell in love with each other and I accepted that and found joy in watching them love one another!! Patience and one on one interaction is the best way to go, doing a little day by day. Fiona is probably just excited by the new bird and wants to see what is going on!! Let her explore but spend time with her as well, she will come around with time time and more time!!

07-07-2009, 07:27 AM
I have the same thought, with not having the bird in training to see or hear the other birds in the house. That is a challenge were I live now, they can hear eachother no matter were I train them.. I live in a apartment that's 80m2, and the walls are not soundproof. So I think to bring Fiona to the hallway before she gets a chance to get worked up by Frøken/miss and Loke may be the best thing. I'm thinking of taking her with me, while she is inside the cage (Fiona got wheels, lol) and let her out when its all set up in the hallway.

Lol, yes, Fiona is very independent indeed... she's got her own will, and she's not afraid to show it :rofl:

But wath you write here LovleySydney, about Oslo and Gus falling in love with eachother, is a wonderful thing. I can see the same thing with my tiels... When Frøken/Miss was out of the cage the first time after Loke got here, she went right over to him, we could almost hear the "klick" between them. :lol
And after that, Frøken/Miss has taken a few steps back in training. I guess the flock instinct has taken over with her. On the other hand, I can now see that she is a genuine tiel, not just some bird that has been hidden away in a pet store. So, its a challenge, and a blessing I have to work with. Can't wait til they both are tame enough to share the same cage, and to they can have time outside the cage together. I wil be wonderful :clap

But when the tiels are at that stage, Fiona will bring another challenge.. Frøken/Miss does not like her, but Fiona LOVES Frøken/Miss....!! They are very diferent birds, and have total diferent body lanuage. But I hope that they will work things out when they are outside the cage...

Now, thinking about it, I have a lot of hard work to look foreward to, but it will be worth it. I think they all will grow to be wonderful companions, for eachother and for me :D:D

07-07-2009, 12:49 PM
I admit I was a little bummed when Oslo and Gus really took to one another but honestly it was an AMAZING thing to watch them fall in love. They were adorable preening and napping with one another and playing together and even the fighting was cute!! It really became less about me wanting a bond and more about them being such good friends and so happy together. I just loved watching them and I miss it every day!!