View Full Version : talking lovie

06-22-2009, 05:17 PM
I haven't noticed a thread on here about talking (and imitating) lovebirds, but i might have missed it, so i thought i might be able to start a thread where everyone can post stories about their birds imitating sounds and words.
Post away!

heres mine:
I have a 20 month old creamino lovebird named Aria who does the coolest thing. She can talk! alright, the only words she says are "step up" "kiss" and "Tori" but I think that's pretty amazing, since lovebirds aren't known to talk all that much. She likes to wake me up every morning by calling my name very, very, very loudly. She is also really funny when she says "step up" because she kind of misuses the words. Of course, she uses it to let me know to take her out and when she wants to step up, but she says it when she wants to be let down and if she sees food that she wants. =)

06-22-2009, 07:25 PM
Aw, that is so cute!!!!!!! Peanut does not talk, but he does give a kissy noise when I either ask him for a kiss or give him a kiss.

06-22-2009, 08:54 PM
heheh.... my sunnybird makes kissing noises when she gets kissed, and also will say "Chirp!" when the mood suits her. It's not a birdy chirp or squeek, but she actually says the word "chirp". Weird, I know... but my hubby used to say "chirp" at her and she surprised us one day by saying it back.

06-22-2009, 09:24 PM
We've had a few hens here who do talk and it's so cute! :) Two of my boys say "swing" when the climb into their happy huts/cozies at night. I've always pushed the cozies back and forth after they climb in and said that word, "swing" to them and it is the ONE, and the only one, word they will say back to me.

Over the years we've had a few videos of lovies (hens) who said several words. I am jealous....I'd love to have a bird with a big vocabulary! :D

06-22-2009, 10:00 PM
My tiel poahku is the talker he says over 20 words and does like 20 whistles, my male sunshine makes kissing noises when he wants out lol, now my hen baby boo has this weird thing that when ever she chirps or makes contact calls of anykind she starts with her head lowered and finishes her chirp head help high, she has done this since i got her ,when she does it it looks like how friends nod to one another to say whast up, cracks me up lol

06-22-2009, 11:41 PM
Yea arent talking lovebirds rare?? My gus & O didnt talk at all, just their normal chirpies and screams!!! Thats so cool that some of your birds talk!!

06-23-2009, 10:39 PM
My Juanita says "Go potty!" She does go if I ask her, usually before she hops on my head. Lots of kissing sounds, as well.

Al and Roxy
06-24-2009, 03:41 AM
My hen roxy says hi bird , pretty bird and want out? She also picked up my cough (allergies)It is funny I can hear her "talking" but not always words. It is funny to hear a human voice reflected through a birdie!


06-26-2009, 05:18 PM
Hi, Bea "talks" more to my husband than she does to me. She gets very animated and vocal when he takes her out. It sounds like she's mimicking "hello" in how it sounds. She also just loves to whistle for him. I guess he's just a Bea charmer...;)

Barb :whistle:

06-26-2009, 11:33 PM
Lizzy says "hi baby" and both make clicky tongue noises. :)

07-09-2009, 11:44 AM
Hi, Bea "talks" more to my husband than she does to me. She gets very animated and vocal when he takes her out. It sounds like she's mimicking "hello" in how it sounds. She also just loves to whistle for him. I guess he's just a Bea charmer...;)

Barb :whistle:

So last night I was wiping off Bea's cage bars and Bea got a hold of the paper towel I was using.:whistle: I kind of screamed "Ahhh" and Bea did it back! I made the sound again and she did it again! I just started laughing hysterically because it was so funny!:rofl:

She does imitate whistles and she does a specific call for Howie and after listening to it more carefully we think she's saying "hello"!

Barb :D