View Full Version : What does this mean?

06-24-2009, 11:24 PM
So we've had Hina in the apartment for about a week now. I'm pleased to say that sunnybird shows little interest in Hina, at least when sunny is out of the cage. I'm not taking any chances with Hina though... at first when i changed food/water, she tried getting out & tried to make a beeline to sunny's cage. I bring Hina into the bedroom and close the door before i let her have out of cage time.

Sunny will come out & step up and kisses and cuddles. Every now and then when sunny is out, Hina will start chirping like mad & it gets sunny excited & she starts chirping back & gets all skinny.

When they're both in the cage they chirp back and forth a lot and will sit and watch each other & chirp back and forth.

Sunny is in a corner of the living room, & Hina is about 3 feet away in a little space between living room and "office" space. Hina has a straight line of site into the living room & can see us and we can call to her, but she's not as part of the direct action as sunny is. I thought it'd be less stress for Hina at first to aclimate.

Anyway... today I thought, well, maybe it'd be nice to bring her into the living room proper with us, and I tried clearing a space closer to us & to sunnybird.

As soon as I had the cages side by side, they both started chirping like mad & sunny started hopping around. Hina did a little circle & "presented" with her wings out. :omg: This is the first time I've ever seen her do this.

So I wound up freaking out & putting her cage back where it was & both birds immediately settled down. Sunny is eating broccoli and Hina is taking a nap.

I guess I should keep this living arrangement as is?

06-25-2009, 04:13 AM
Female soliciting at its finest! I think that's one of the few behaviors I've not seen in any of my males. Hina has something on her mind and it ain't cuddling....... :whistle:

06-25-2009, 06:36 AM
I have had numerous cocks spread ther wings, in confusion probably! Usually juvenile males, although this is with masked lovebirds and it is indeed rare to see. Infact a nice couple of greens I have were both doing it, left me quite sad thinking they were both hens, well now they have fertile eggs so im happy!!

06-25-2009, 11:07 AM
You should probably keep them separated if you don't want chicks. You may still wind up with eggs, though.

(The little hussy! :lol)

06-25-2009, 12:35 PM
:rofl: "as is" ...what, and miss the circus?! :rofl:

Make love, not war. Let them have some time together. You're lucky Hina's smitten with Sunny. :)

06-25-2009, 02:46 PM
Turn off the lights next time! Your fids are watching you and hubby to close!

06-25-2009, 11:10 PM
I don't want them getting too attached to each other. They don't get out-of-cage time together. Hina's only with us until August, and then my mom will get her back. Mom lives 45min away, so they won't get to visit much.

Lucky me that Sunny doesn't seem inclined to visit when she's out of her cage, but I know for sure that Hina would try to get to sunny. Hina is bigger and heavier....