View Full Version : Does anyone have a bird that dislikes other birds?

06-25-2009, 12:56 PM
Jada hates the lovebirds. She attacked pan three times yesterday. Twice when he was playing with evolet and once when he was sleeping. She went into joey's cage where pan was napping and attacked him. I didn't notice til I heard the commotion. Poor pan is terrified of her. They never bother her but she likes to start stuff with them even when she's in her cage. Is a month not long enough? I don't think she likes other birds period

06-25-2009, 01:23 PM
Oh yes. I have Echo who isn't crazy about other birds. The only thing that Echo doesn't do is go after other birds. He just won't allow them in, near or around his cage.

Parrotlets may be small but they have attitudes the size of Hyacinth Macaws! You may have to put clips on her cage doors just to protect the lovies! :lol

06-25-2009, 03:18 PM
So how do you deal with him when he's out with other birds?

06-25-2009, 03:42 PM
My lovebirds realy dont like anyone not thier own, my sun conures like the teils but not the lovies, i watch them closely when they are all out together.
A close eye and a squirt bottle works for me lol

06-25-2009, 08:04 PM
Yes- Bennu (parrotlet) doesn't like the lovies and will attack them if they come into his area. Odinn is the same way.

06-25-2009, 10:50 PM
i use a spray bottle too. doesn't always work. i swear they don't notice the spray when they're eyeing one another. i have been letting them out all at once and it isn't too bad though i dont trust jada to stay out of trouble and by trouble, i mean a fight. she's sweet to me, but not to my bf or the lovebirds. my bf doesn't think i should get another lovebird cuz jada's too much of a terrorist. i am just scared that she's gonna get hurt one day because she's so fearless. i mean, i watch them, but things happen so fast sometimes. and let me tell you, evolet and joey are not afraid of a fight when provoked and evolet will not back down. and pan? he's a scaredy cat, but when he bites, his is the worst!!! he likes the 'bite hard and latch on' move.

06-26-2009, 04:32 AM
I don't let the lovies and Ben out at the same time ever. Once I was helping Freyja untangle herself from her snuggly and he was on my shoulder- quicker than lightning he was down my arm and into the cage, he almost got her! Ben stays off their cage and isn't bothered by them so long as they're not out at the same time, but the lovies are curious about him and will land on his cage. They were just recently moved into the same room, though, so I want to wait and see. They HAVE recently started talking to each other when they're all in their cages, I'm hoping this may be the beginnings of a truce, but as for now, I'm planning on keeping them separate during playtime.

06-26-2009, 08:47 AM
Yes, those parrotlets are so fast. She reminds me of a hummingbird.

06-26-2009, 09:04 AM
My Didgit doesn't like other lovies, except Bosco. Didgie is a bully. We don't let him socialize with the other birds. If he doesn't like them it's no loss to him, and they definitely don't miss his bullying!

Yes, I think the answer is not to have them out at the same time. Prevention is the key to this potential accident!

06-26-2009, 09:40 PM
thanks guys. i felt like i was the only one w/ a bird that dislikes other birds.

06-26-2009, 10:32 PM
Yep its Jaden here. And the problem is hes the biggest one! I have to just keep a very close eye on him

06-26-2009, 10:59 PM
I've observed that Juanita will not back down in a squabble with Petey, so I'm not surprised that Evolet will not back down in a fight with your parrotlet. I think females are incapable of backing down. This could also be true for female parrotlets, in which case, you have a volatile mix!

My Petey will try to hide behind Juanita, as the females are the bold warriors with their kind; I don't think males are expected to fight.

06-27-2009, 07:40 AM
Oh yes, my girls are fighters. LOL. Gotta love them though.

06-27-2009, 08:25 PM
Don't worry.... you are not the only one out there with a bird that dislikes others.

Eddie and Jimmy somehow got the breeder box side door open on their cage while I was at work. 9 hours later when I returned from work I found my babies with a cut on their foot each, a little blood on Eddies cheek, and they were all dirty. I suspect they flew on top of the conures cage. The bites were only superficial luckily. Maybe all my "No bite!!" and "Easy!" practice with Rollie and Becky helped. Scary stuff.

Plus Jimmy has to be watched like a hawk when the tiels are out with him. I do not let the conures out with anyone else.

So... you are not alone. Having multiple breeds just requires some creativity.

06-28-2009, 01:51 PM
eddie and jimmy!!!!!! talk about partner's in crime.

does jimmy boss the tiels around?

06-30-2009, 01:43 PM
Oh bookworm sorry to hear about jada being a little bully, LOL poor pan he's probably wondering what the heck he did! I always heard parrotlets had little attitudes and a lot of times it was towards other birds, so thats completely common. Just keep an eye out when they are together and hopefully jada will begin to mind her own business. You definitely dont want a fight to ensue where something irreversible happens. Hopefully you wont have to resort to not letting them play together at all, but that might have to become an option if you dont want them to hurt one another. Birds are fast!!

06-30-2009, 09:56 PM
yeah, Pan hates her now. I don't know why she always picks on him either. she never does w/ the other two. i think she can sense that he's on the bottom of the pecking order. He used to be real good w/ her til she turned into a bully on him. I mean, he never bothered her, never bullied her to get off his toys, or anything. Oh well. at least Evolet loves Pan. A lot. Those two are in love :)

i will have to say that since i got jada, Pan has been trusting me more and more. he hops on more easily and quickly. his wings that were overclipped are now growing back, so he has more confidence and can glide across the room now w/o crash landing. he is still a bit skittish, but much more improved.