View Full Version : Poos in only one spot?

06-26-2009, 02:05 PM

Okay, so I've been fid-sitting my mom's odd little hen, Hina for about a week now and have noticed that all her poo is in the same spot at the bottom of her cage.

She spends most of her time on the highest perch (the heated one, which I unplug during the afternoon) but there are no poo spots under that perch. All the poo is in a pile under her calcium perch near her food.

In fact, I saw her attempt a poo the other day on her rope perch, but nothing came out and then she hopped down to the calcium perch and squatted again, and out came the poo!

Does any else have a poo-particular lovie, or is this just another example of Hina's weirdness?

06-26-2009, 02:13 PM
I see a lot of this in my aviaries. Some birds seem to have favorite places and I'm forever cleaning up "Mt. Poop"! :rofl: