View Full Version : Maybe a new lovie???

Pips mom
06-27-2009, 05:12 PM
Well, I was looking through craiglist.....I always do, you never know what you're going to find! and I came across this add.....http://burlington.craigslist.org/pet/1242405241.html a peachie male, AND DNA'd! exactly what I've been keeping an eye out for......AND we are planning on going away up to Vermont for the weekend for the 4th, so we are even headed that way....not so far up, but we don't mind driving up further to get him. Anyway, I called her and she called me back again after an hour or so and told me that we are her SECOND choice! How could that be?? I'm thinking maybe because we are so far and that you just can't trust people these days that you meet through craigslist. I offered to give her references and everything, told her my birds all go to the vet.....how can someone else give her lovie a better home?? :(:confused: I'd be willing to pay her for the bird, and I will give her something, just as I did with Pip and he was given up for free as well......how do I find these adds for free birds? geez, all I want is a male peachie, and now I feel like the owner isn't trusting easily because she's giving the bird up for free. Should I offer to pay her something? because I will give her something for him anyway..... so the first choice person is going to meet with her on Monday :roll: then she's going to call me and let me know. I sure hope that I get him! I don't even know much about him....I do know that he's young, hand fed and very hand tame.....do you think that will clash with Pip's personality? seeing as he was parent raised and not fond of hands? I guess I just can't understand how I ended up being second choice :(

06-27-2009, 06:25 PM
From having read about Pip, I can tell you almost for sure that he has only one love in his life and that's Ivy. Doesn't matter if they are different species of bird. There's a friendship between them and I don't think the addition of another lovie will affect Pip in the slightest. He's very independent so you might find yourself actually looking at a lovie companion for yourself... :omg:

Having dealt with Craig's List people, chances are you are second choice because of distance. A lot of people say they want something but fail to follow through with what they say they are going to do! I get that a lot on our local freecycle group and it's very frustrating.

I'll cross my fingers that first choice is not a good one and this guy will end up going home with you.

06-27-2009, 06:29 PM
Maybe you can just nicely ask her why you're her second choice? There could be any number of reasons... maybe she wants the bird to go to a home that doesn't already have four birds? Maybe the other person is a vet or vet tech so she feels safe giving the bird to that person? Maybe she wants visitation rights and, like you said, you're kinda far?

It doesn't hurt to ask, IMO.

06-27-2009, 07:58 PM
Hi, I agree with Maya and Linda. Also, maybe it isn't so much that your second choice as you were the second to respond. Or maybe because you can't make it until the weekend and the other person is going on Monday? I think you should just ask, can't hurt. Just my :2cents:

Barb :)

06-27-2009, 08:16 PM
I wouldn't sweat it Kim, I am sure she will come to her senses. lol

Hey, as I always say, "If it is meant to be, it will be." Guess you will have to sit and wait it out.

Keep us posted!

Pips mom
06-27-2009, 09:01 PM
From having read about Pip, I can tell you almost for sure that he has only one love in his life and that's Ivy. Doesn't matter if they are different species of bird. There's a friendship between them and I don't think the addition of another lovie will affect Pip in the slightest.

Really??? you don't another lovie will make any difference? I do have to admit.....Pip has got it bad for Ivy! and today they spent quite a bit of time together and I ended up having to take care of a couple things suddenly, left the room for a little bit and even went outside for a minute to bring something to the car....came back and him and Ivy were being so good together!
Of course I won't sweat it.....if that lovie ends up with someone else, then yeah, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. She seems very concerned about who she'll give him up to, so it's good at least that he'll be going to a good home no matter what.....and that's what's most important.

06-28-2009, 03:56 AM
Really??? you don't another lovie will make any difference?
Nope. Most birds tend to form strong bonds when they strike up a friendship, at least in the Psittacine world, and it takes a lot to break that bond. Ivy may not be a lovebird but she's the center of Pip's world!

06-28-2009, 01:25 PM
Hmm. That's interesting--about friendship bonds.

Well, then Pip has made the decision for you, it looks like. He's said, "It ain't broke, so don't fix it!" We know Pip has an independent mind of his own, so going against it may be an exercise in futility.

Go Pip!

Pips mom
06-28-2009, 04:04 PM
Pip has an independent mind of his own, so going against it may be an exercise in futility.

Ohhhh.....i think I learned that lesson a looooong time ago! :rotfl

06-29-2009, 05:37 PM
You're probably second choice because the other person could GET there first, or someone who's as good a home- in print anyhow- wrote first. I can't imagine a better fidma!

Pips mom
06-29-2009, 08:49 PM
Well.....I never head back from the lady and she was supposed to call me today. She could have called to let me know.....kinda rude I think. I hope the little guy went to a home where he'll be cared for as much as if he was here :(

06-29-2009, 11:18 PM
maybe you can give her a ring. you never know. maybe she forgot, was too busy, lost your number, who knows. good luck.

06-30-2009, 12:50 AM
I agree. A phone call is a good idea. It will show you are really interested if he's still available. I'm sure she's gotten a number of calls with everyone telling her what a great home they are. I know you would make a great home but there are tons of people out there who are NOT good homes but act as if they are.

Pips mom
06-30-2009, 11:40 AM
I agree. A phone call is a good idea. It will show you are really interested if he's still available. I'm sure she's gotten a number of calls with everyone telling her what a great home they are. I know you would make a great home but there are tons of people out there who are NOT good homes but act as if they are.

Exactly! so how is she to know that I am not one of them? Something just seemed strange about the whole thing. I called her right away after seeing the add and she seemed fine, even nice, then she had to go somewhere and said she would call me back in an hour and for us to let her know if driving there to get him was going to be ok with us seeing as it was somewhat far. When she called back, something seemed different in her tone and she just didn't sound as nice to me anymore....you know how you get a feeling about things?? Well, the first time I talked to her, she said that two other people had called and she wasn't impressed with either of them, but that she was with me.....so then an hour later and her story changed and now I am second choice.....she told me some other things about her and her pets (she has alot of dogs and cats) that just didn't sound right to me, and something about timothy hay on the bottom of the lovie's cage??
I know this is about the bird, but for me, when I adopted my other birds, I just loved their previous owners and really connected with them....they are both wonderful, caring people and I guess for me I have to feel that connection with the owner for it to work out.....even though finding a home for the bird has nothing to do with this! Sounds silly I guess, but it just seems like how it has to be for me......not necessarily a choice I make, but just how it turns out. Also the woman with the lovie did not have a very good answer when I asked her why she was rehoming him. She said that she was very sad to have to rehome him, yet I don't think I really heard the sadness in her voice. Something just strange about this lovie's owner....she wasn't being honest with me, I could tell. I could also tell after talking to her when she said we were second choice that I was not going to end up with this little guy. Kinda sad because I had to be the only one interested who had the plan of getting a male peachface.....and still do! the right little lovie will come along, I'm sure and I'm not sad about that.....I'm just sad wondering what happened with this little guy and hope he ended up in a good home.
As for calling her again.....nope! I am not one to go bothering people and I get the feeling that's all I would be. She obviously made her choice. She has my number and can call me anytime.

06-30-2009, 02:05 PM
Aww pips mom your plight sounds like mine trying to find a GCC!! I cant tell you how many people I emailed and talked to and then they wouldnt follow through and I didnt know why. The craigslist link is now deleted so either this lady has already sent him to his new home or something else was going on. I know you will find a new baby soon enough, look at me!! LOL. I have my little Olly Boo and one day I know I will have my GCC as well!! Sorry this had to happen to you! I know how frustrating it is especially when they could have just made a phone call to you and let you know what was going on. Dont give up hope, if its mean to be it will!!

Pips mom
06-30-2009, 02:26 PM
Yeah....I know. I'm not in no hurry anyway, it's probably better to wait til the end of the summer for me anyway because I have alot of things going on this summer. It's too bad you don't live around here....there are always tons on GCC's being given up around here. Our next door neighbor was one of them!
We all know that everyone here is a great home, but I guess if you don't connect the right way with the person involved, that they might tend to think that you aren't the best choice....pretty ignorant if you ask me! if they can't see that we're a loving home, but hey, you can only do what you can do!

06-30-2009, 09:48 PM
it's ok. i don't know what she is using to determine what a good home is. we all know you're terrific. it's just not meant to be. BUT there will always be another bird out there that will come along the way. what happened to that lovie you saw at the pet shop? *hint hint* ;)

Pips mom
07-01-2009, 10:03 AM
Ohhhh, that baby sold! now they have baby fishers lovebirds! I really want a peachie and I really need him to be male!

07-07-2009, 11:34 AM
I know how you feel about the males - I really loved that Gus & Oslo were both boys, and they loved being each others BFF's!