View Full Version : Lizzy HATES Eric

06-29-2009, 12:18 PM
I mean, wow!

Ive always been her favorite, but lately shes developed such a strong hate towards Eric. Eric has always been a bit intimidated by her, and i know she senses it.

A couple days ago Eric was playing his games on the couch. Her cage is right next to the couch. When i woke up, he told me that she had been hiding underneath her newspaper, and watching him (fluffed up in aggressive mode) for a full 2 hours. I said wow..whats her deal?

If he gets up and moves, she moves along the cage with him....no matter how far away he is.

Then last night i let her out. She was on my shoulder, then i put her back on her cage. Eric, again, was on the couch. So she cassually makes her way over to Eric. She hops on his chest looking at him. Both of us not thinking anything of it. Then all of a sudden she full out attacks his face and gets his chin.

So i had to come get her, and put her back on her cage. I asked him if he did anything to trigger it and he said no. So now were both on the couch, im closest to the cage. She hops on my shoulder, gives me kisses, then again, proceeds to make her way towards Eric.

She hops on his shoulder. Stays there for a bit, then AGAIN, attacks his chin. This time i locked her in her cage, to which she was very angry about. Everytime Eric would walk by she would talk to him, scream at him, follow him, bang her cage bars..she was MAD. (she does nothing to me btw if i put my hands near the cage)

So Eric was mad. Hes like what the heck did i do to this bird? I said well sometimes birds just pick their people...just be thankful shes not Jadens size... LOL

06-29-2009, 05:42 PM
Could it be that Eric might remind her of the bad men that came into your house and stole her friends?

Either that, or she sees you as her mate and Eric is getting in the way of her affections. My Cherry wants nothing to do with anyone else, but he doesn't attack or bite the kids or husband.

06-29-2009, 05:45 PM
Benny hates Chris because he sees me as his mate, and Chris as a competitor. I wouldn't be surprised if it were that... Lovie hens can get like that in a bad way!

Pips mom
06-29-2009, 05:56 PM
Funny.....I could never picture Pip hating anyone! He's just mr. social! but then there's Ivy.....she also sees me as her mate and has a strong bond with me. She hated Kevin too for some time.....she was terrible with him in the beginning, but I'm very impressed with her improvement over a year's time. She steps up happily for him now and will sit with him and doesn't seem to mind at all.....BUT, if she's on me and I go near him, she'll fly away....he has to be the one to approach her. I think her improvement with Kevin is still improving slowly over time and has a little ways to go, but she's really doing well now with learning to be nice and friendly towards him, and I am very happy with how far she's come.

06-29-2009, 05:56 PM
My sun conures and most of my flock did that to my ex i figured it was a flock dominance thing, now i figure it's because they have good taste lol

06-29-2009, 07:21 PM
jada did that the other night to my boyfriend. she hopped on him and then BITE! CHOMP!!!!! ATTACK!!!! He doesn't really like Jada and i suspect the feeling is mutual. but the lovebirds don't act like that at all. they don't bite unless provoked. Who knows.

06-29-2009, 08:09 PM
hmmm..... i'm not sure.

come to think of it, i'm not sure who sunnybird views as her mate. she won't clicky dance for either of us (reserved for her chewy toy) and she has a humpy toy... sometimes she's on my hubby and wants to come to me, sometimes she's fine getting kisses from hubby but will turn & chomp my lip if i come close.

06-29-2009, 08:12 PM
It sounds more like the couch and where Eric sits is too close to her cage and she is getting territorial. I would move the cage and bet if Eric is not sitting so close to her cage you will see a change in behavior. A change in cage placement will also help alleviate any nestiness in general.

06-29-2009, 10:06 PM
I dont think its the couch. We moved where Eric sits, and if hes actually in the house, she will SEEK him out. I took away all access to newspaper today. Her grate is now bare with newspaper underneath, and theyre acrylic stand on top has no newspaper. She was tearing up an awful lot, maybe thatll help tone it down a bit.

06-30-2009, 05:18 AM

Benny isn't THAT bad with Chris- Pips Mom gave me some insight into Benny's behavior... he will just fly away or hide from at Chris when he approaches him when he is not on me. He attacks when not.

The lovies like us mutually- they may even love Chris more, though they obey me implicitly and are NAUGHTY NAUGHTY with him... and enjoy my company when he isn't available! They bonded when I was away and then went nesty, and now that they've warmed up to us again, I can see the difference.

I did have a very territorial hen that HATED men, though. She would also seek out my stepfather, who was afraid of her, and my brothers, who thought she was a tool but didn't really fear her or think much of her. My only insight into this, other than or even including territoriality or jealousy is that she is aware of his fear- birds take advantage of people's fear. Etta seemed to despise that man because, as Bubblekind said, she had GOOD TASTE :wink, (I'm not saying that is the case with Eric! It just happened to be with this guy.) or more probably because he was terrified of her. Mind you, he was good with birds in general and unafraid of the MEAN rescue conures. Etta was that scary.

06-30-2009, 01:54 PM
Jan Im glad to see you back on the boards, Ive been thinking of you and I hope all is well in your neck of the woods, as well as it can be for you and your family. That being said, Oliver hates my bf. In the beginning he spent a lot of time with her but he became so busy with work he kind of let their bonding go by the wayside. Olly will still step up for my boyfriend but thats about it, hes terrified when he comes near him. I think like someone else posted, Lizzy may see you as the mate and therefore needs to defend her territory!!! In the very least I hope that she stops attacking him and starts to ignore him - those chin bites cant feel good, poor guy!!!