View Full Version : My tough old bird!

06-30-2009, 04:03 PM
The vet visit went well & Buddy is feeling much better :). Her uric acid levels are stable, in the high normal range--instead of "off the charts" like a year ago. But the vet didn't "like the look" of her beak that was injured during a seizure in February. It hasn't healed completely, & the vet thought it might be getting infected. She did a gram stain & gave us some antibiotics. Buddy had lost some more weight & the vet said an infection could account for her not eating well. I've been syringe-feeding her pureed beak appitit with fruit added and she's gained 1 gram back since Saturday. The vet also injected fluids. Buddy never has been much of a drinker & now with her arthritis, I fear she doesn't come out of her tent often enough during the day. I give her water with the syringe twice a day, when giving her her meds. The vet said maybe I should bring her in for periodic fluid injections. I need to call back to discuss how often. I'm having time-management problems--as usual. Sorry I took so long to give you all an update, after all the wonderful support you gave. I got home late Sunday & was too tired hit the keyboard. (Mom didn't have such a good week end :( ) But Buddy is eating on her own again--in addition to the pureed food I'm still giving her. She did some beak grinding last night & this morning was giving Gussie loud, vocal warnings whenever Gussie got too close. No peerning today! Another bullet dodged :happy: And again, thanks for the hugs. Every time we hit a bump in the road, I jump to the conclusion that it's the end. But I know you understand how worriesome our babies can be!

06-30-2009, 05:57 PM
Oh Im so glad to hear everything went well!!! Youre little Buddy sure is a trooper - I hope only good things from her come in the future & I know you are breathing a sigh of relief right now = ) Congrats!

06-30-2009, 07:18 PM
You must be so relieved!! I'm so glad that the vet visit went well, and that she is starting to feel better. She is such a trooper!!! :)

06-30-2009, 09:32 PM
Thanks for the update. There are a bunch of us who have been hoping for an update on Buddy. I agree, Buddy sure is one tough old girl!!!!!

06-30-2009, 09:43 PM
glad to hear shes back to her henniness!

06-30-2009, 11:29 PM
I'm glad Buddy has recovered somewhat. It's too bad there's no intravenous treatment for lovebirds. I'm sure it would help alot.

Hugs and support are freely given and need not be paid back, even by mentioning it, so rest easy and don't stress yourself. :) You've got enough on your plate.

Can't they medicate for seizures? You'd think there would be some drug out there that would help.

I eat cherries to benefit my mild arthritis; I believe birdies can eat it for the same benefits. I don't know if it's the placebo effect or not, but I think it helps--anyway, it's a good excuse to indulge.

I can understand Buddy not wanting to mess with Gus, as she has to prioritize her energy, too.

Hugs to you and your flock.

07-01-2009, 01:27 AM
Hi, glad to hear the news about Buddy. Please give her beak rubs and skritches for us. What a great girl you have there!

Pips mom
07-01-2009, 11:58 AM
Oh that Buddy girl! She's one strong and determined bird! I'll bet all the love she gets is what gives her the determination to get through all of this! You sure do alot to help her through her old age.....she must know and sense that! That is amazing that she has already gained back a gram! So happy to hear the good news! Best wishes for continued improvement with her beak injury.:hug:

07-02-2009, 07:15 PM
I am so glad that Buddy is getting better. What a trooper she is! :)

07-02-2009, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the update! ...... Its nice to hear there was a little beak grinding involved too.......:).......Go Buddy!