View Full Version : Okay i am dumbfounded

07-01-2009, 01:29 AM
If anyone could explain this id be amazed..

Okay my previous post explained how Lizzy was out to get Eric..she seeks him out, tracks him down, follows him throughout her cage..so explain to me this.

If he sits next to her while shes in the cage. She runs over. Shell talk to him..says "hi baby". If he makes a kissy noise, she makes it back. If he makes a rasberry noise, she does it back. She imitates every noise he makes. Eric just found this out today and was amazed LOL. He sits outside her cage and talks to her and shell just talk and imitate back.

Now, unlike him, i can hold her and kiss her...but she will NOT respond to me with talking or noises. She only does it with him. So....what that heck lol

07-01-2009, 01:38 AM
Bea is much more vocal with Howie then she is with me. Bea isn't out to attack him she is just very vocal. She'll imitate whistles for both of us but that's about it so far.


07-01-2009, 05:59 PM
Maybe shes acting like a stubborn girl outside the cage because shes in love with Eric! Remember back when you were young and when boys would pick on you your mom would say "Its just because he likes you!" - maybe its the same way with Lizzy!! & then when shes inside the cage she flirts with him through the bars, LOL that is too cute!!