View Full Version : I can't believe this!!! (add)

Pips mom
07-05-2009, 01:17 PM
I was looking through craigslist, again! and I came across this one where this girl is giving up her quaker.......http://albany.craigslist.org/pet/1253525189.html
I am giving away my 1 year old Quaker parrot for a small adoption fee of $150 or best offer I can not include the cage as i am getting a bigger parrot, The Quaker parrot is starting to say "hello" and also and makes a lot of noise,comes on your hand,and loves to be scratched on the back of his head. Pick up only thanks.

Ok, then before that add was posted, here is the SAME person.....
If anybody has a big bird for example a Cockatoo,African Grey, Macaw, etc. And can not take care if it anymore please e-mail me as i will like to adopt it will pay a reasonable small rehoming fee for the bird i will provide a very good home and will be home all day or my brother will be there with the bird most of the time, I also have the experience of taking care if the parrots as i love them. If you have a parrot please contact me at the e-mail provided with the pictures, address, i have a cage. Thank you.

Yeah, she loves them.....she's giving one up to get a bigger one.....What is wrong with people??? I couldn't hold back, I had to email her and ask her who in their right mind would want her to have their bird knowing she might get tired of it and give it up to get a different one! this person obviously has no heart!

07-05-2009, 01:28 PM
That's the disposable mentality of today's society! Get rid of one and get something else. Not only does it apply to animals, it extends to other humans, as well. Truthfully, my brain is having a very hard time with it, as I was not raised that way! Life has value and commitments are something to be kept.......

Anyone have a stuffed, toy parrot that they can offer this "lifeform"????? >:

07-05-2009, 01:41 PM
I could never get rid of my babies, itd break my heart :(

07-05-2009, 01:58 PM
i was also raised with pets who were in the family (albeit, the lower ranks) and we would never have given up our pets for anything. we moved several times and every time we spent the extra money and time on finding a place that would let us keep our pets. i don't understand people who just give away their pets because they have to move (or nearly any other reason). you decided to have pets, so live with that! grr. it makes me so mad. i love my pets and would not give them up for anything! even when they do run me hundreds in vet bills, i just want them happy and safe!

Pips mom
07-05-2009, 02:00 PM
Ugggh, it just makes me so angry! I can't even control myself now, I posted an add with my thoughts and also added a few of your words Linda....you said that so perfectly! I emailed her back too.........
....Who are you, and no this is the first time im doing it so idk where your coming from and mind your own business k.

Sorry, I am not going to keep quiet......that poor bird can't speak up for himself, so someone has to! Do you REALIZE that parrots are very intelligent and form strong bonds to their flock(you)?? when they lose their family/flock, it feels like a death to them....they mourn and are sad. Your quaker is going to miss you.....too bad the feeling's not mutual! You are heartless! You don't love that quaker if you can just give it up for something else....I doubt you'll love the next one either. I don't even think you know the meaning of the word. Do you dispose of people this way too.....ya know, for something better??
Your quaker is beautiful.....you can't even see how special he/she is.....you are also blind. Who am I??? I am someone who LOVES my birds and would NEVER dream of giving them up......someone who loves them, and thinks they are not replacable....that's who I am! If you have a problem with that, then maybe you should get a heart!
>:>:>:>:>:>:>: I gotta get away from this computer before I say something I shouldn't......it usually takes alot to make me mad, but this person did it easily!

(Oh yeah.....and she has a cage.....the one she used for her quaker, she wants to use for a larger bird!....I don't even want to know the size of that cage!)

07-05-2009, 02:25 PM
....Who are you, and no this is the first time im doing it so idk where your coming from and mind your own business k.

Is that what she said in a reply to you? What does "idk" mean? WHAT AN IDIOT this person is. Makes my blood boil to see something like this. :evil: At least the poor little unloved Quaker might get a GOOD home out of it!

Oh, I'm thinking that "idk" must mean "I don't know"........ what ever, she's an idiot and a horrible human being!

07-05-2009, 02:32 PM
that sort of writing (even online) always sounds so juvenile to me, and i have a hard time taking anyone who spells that way seriously. so maybe it's a young person?

07-05-2009, 10:06 PM
I don't email people like that anymore, I simply flag them on CL and get the ad removed. I once got involved with a woman that got a bird from me and convinced me she knew exactly how to take care of the bird, she spouted off lots of info about diet, etc............she'd had birds before and her's had just died, she even showed me pics. So feeling sorry for her, I GAVE her a sweet little baby handfed tiel. A week later I see my baby on CL. I recognized the email address too. I went so far as to PAY her to return the baby to me. Made me so mad. It was a feud for quite some time, both of us emailing back and forth. Her opinion was, if the bird belonged to her, she could do whatever she wanted. After just two weeks she had decided she wanted a bigger bird........grrrrrr.......okay stepping down off my bandwagon now.

07-05-2009, 10:06 PM
Hi, it must have hit some kind of nerve with her, I went to check on both ads and they were deleted by the author. I'd keep checking though, she'll probably post again...


Pips mom
07-06-2009, 07:40 AM
I don't email people like that anymore, I simply flag them on CL and get the ad removed. I once got involved with a woman that got a bird from me and convinced me she knew exactly how to take care of the bird, she spouted off lots of info about diet, etc............she'd had birds before and her's had just died, she even showed me pics. So feeling sorry for her, I GAVE her a sweet little baby handfed tiel. A week later I see my baby on CL. I recognized the email address too. I went so far as to PAY her to return the baby to me. Made me so mad. It was a feud for quite some time, both of us emailing back and forth. Her opinion was, if the bird belonged to her, she could do whatever she wanted. After just two weeks she had decided she wanted a bigger bird........grrrrrr.......okay stepping down off my bandwagon now.

That's aweful! So hard to trust people these days.....this is why I think the woman giving up the lovie for free didn't chose me.....being I was quite far from her too....she probably figured who's gonna want to drive all that way to get a little lovie? At least she was trying to be careful though.
If I was you with that cockatiel I would have been right at that lady's door!

07-06-2009, 12:21 PM
Oh, I did show up at her doorstep. I ask her for the bird and she demanded that I pay her something for taking care of it for two weeks. This after I felt sorry for her and Gave her the bird to begin with. She simply would not give me the bird until I gave her $40. It is one of the reasons I do not breed and sell anymore, got tired of fooling with people like her and worrying about where my babies were going. Now I just have pets.

07-07-2009, 12:02 PM
I actually just posted on my blog regarding people who re-home their pets at the drop of a hat, especially dogs, cats & birds. Its actually the only post Ive ever put on my blog - but last night I read this article written by a lady who manages an animal shelter and I just couldnt help myself. It broke my heart & I just dont see how people can live with themselves after just re-homing pets. I know in some situations (I have friends in the Navy & Army) where people have to leave the country and literally cannot take their animals but in all the instances I have seen they have left their pets with their parents or relatives or very good friends. They have NEVER put an animal that they loved for years on craigslist and let it go to some random who could be a potentially bad pet owner. Anyway, Im rambling - I just really wish animals had more rights and more say in their lives:(


07-07-2009, 12:31 PM
Sydney, you are riding my bandwagon now. I cannot tolerate the way some people dispose of animals. They get a dog that is hyper and decide, oops, I can't handle this, and sell it to the highest bidder, same with birds. If only it were required to have a certificate stating you've taken so many hours of classes reference the animal you are buying or adopting. People are impluse buyers. It looks cute, lets get it, then discover it isn't exactly as cute when it gets sick, or poops on their antique chair. Oh Lord, I have to step down again, this gets me so irritated.

07-07-2009, 01:02 PM
Oh Gator I KNOW how you feel. Recently in our city there was an ad on craigslist by a lady who was re-homing her great dane. I kid you not this is what she wrote "We have little kids and didn't think this dog would be so big" ITS A GREAT DANE!! Im pretty sure thats one of the biggest breed of dogs in the world!!!! How could you not know that?? & I hope the Great Dane went to a farm where it could run & run & run because I wish that for all dogs = ) Yes, Im done too......I get too fired up!!! I love animals too much!!!

07-07-2009, 01:50 PM
Ok, what cave had these people been living in? Everyone knows a Great Dane is huge...........thats like saying I didn't know fire was hot. Geesh, some people, make me shake my head. Of course you know the reason we are all on these forums, it is so we can stay on our bandwagons and protest to people that think the same way and don't look at us like we are raving maniacs or worse yet........people that don't even bother to hide their attitude when you try to tell them.................this animal isn't right for you.

07-08-2009, 12:08 AM
that is so sad that she wanted to trade up as if the bird was a car or something. i see it all the time where folks are trading one bird species for another or one animal for another. i just don't understand. especially when they talk about how great their current bird is and it's like, "so why would you want to get rid of it if it's such an awesome bird?" People bug me when they write stuff like that. it's so sad when i hear lame excuses.