View Full Version : A quirky little thing Peanut does

07-06-2009, 12:45 PM
We were visiting friends about 2 months ago when my friend saw Peanut do something that she has never seen another lovie do but now her lovie does it, too. And she wants to know why. Peanut takes his toes and runs them thru his beak as if he is cleaning his toes.

I just thought it was something that lovies do... But, Peanut does it when his wings hurt or when he has his flightsuit on. And he does it when he is tangled up in my hair.

Does anyone else's lovie do this?

Pips mom
07-06-2009, 01:07 PM
Nope.....mine doesn't!

07-06-2009, 01:09 PM
mine does that!


like you, i always just assumed it was a lovie thing to do when your feet itched, or felt sticky, or were hurt.....

what sunnybird (and maka used to) does that amuses me is uses her feet to hold down interesting toys/paper/food. none of my other lovies were so feet-grabby.

07-06-2009, 02:36 PM
If you feed your lovie fresh fruits and veggies, they will do this to just clean their feet. Also, their feet get dry and scaly sometimes, the only way to scratch is with their beak. I have 7 lovies, they all do this.

07-06-2009, 04:13 PM
My sun conures do it more then my lovies but i will see them do it every once in a while, makes sense with the food on the feet my suns eat more fruit then the lovies do.

07-07-2009, 11:48 AM
HAHA Oliver does this all the time, I thought it to be normal bird behavior!! He actually looks like he is chewing on his feet rather than cleaning them, haha

07-07-2009, 12:26 PM
I have a little conure that loves to actually play with her feet. She will turn over in the palm of your hand and play with her feet,

07-07-2009, 03:23 PM

My Odinn does that, too. He likes to lay on his back and play with his feet!

All my birds clean their toes this way.

07-07-2009, 07:47 PM
I have a little conure that loves to actually play with her feet. She will turn over in the palm of your hand and play with her feet,

Ditto here with my conure. 'Tis a daily occurance. And it makes me smile every time :) It amazes me how much conures love to be on their backs. One of our games involves Gussie lying in the palm of my hand while my arm is resting on the arm of my recliner. I then "work out" by bending my elbow & raising my hand to my shoulder & lower it back to the chair. Repeat multiple times. I call this game "Pumping feathers." :rofl:

07-07-2009, 08:39 PM
Pumping feathers!

Ha! I do that with Bennu! ... if all the odd things we do in the privacy of our aviaries/homes came out on here, people would send the van to the funny farm to all our houses!

07-08-2009, 04:31 AM
LOL My children have all deemed me looney and are sending me to the wacky shack. I say that's OK as long as I can have my birds and my dolls. I could use a vacation! LOL

This really puts my mind at ease knowing that other lovies do this, too. Our suns don't hold fruit or anything messy in their feet. They don't like having sticky dirty tootsies. They eat it just fine off of a spoon or if we hold it. *sigh*

07-08-2009, 10:08 PM
Juanita Baby eats her dunked Cheerios out of a spoon, and she will neatly let the pieces fall in there as she's chewing her way through one or two of them a week. Actually, I help her out by slightly following her beak with the spoon to contain the crumbs! :) She sees the bits and will finish them.

She also eats her chicken piece (about the size of my little finger tip) from a fork. Petey gets the royal treatment, too, because I hold his chicken piece for him. :)

Am I spoiling them? :)

07-09-2009, 04:57 AM
Fuzzy- I do that with my guys- the lovies are SO MESSY, but they actually appreciate help collecting the pieces they fling everywhere. (Unless, of course, they're pieces of something they are shredding. They get visibly distressed when I clean their mess up in front of them, or take it away from them. The first time I cleaned up paper they shred all over my bed, Freyja was acting like the world had come to and end!)

Benny is a dainty neat eater. He will carefully arrange the pieces of his food on a leaf of kale or other green (I always give him a whole leaf and whole fruits and veggies, he likes to pick them apart himself) or on my arm or shoulder or pillow- whatever is convenient and then eats them when he picks as much as he wants. Ben likes chicken, too, though the lovies have never gone for it when eating off my plate. His FAVORITE food is rotisserie chicken, which of course, I do not eat much meat ( I eat only very occasional fish or poultry, and he gets even more sparingly-) but I'll order a plain rotisserie chicken and will roast some potatoes and make some butternut squash puree, and as soon as he smells it he starts doing his parrotlet neckwobble. (For those of you who aren't experienced with parrotlets, its this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CklFsSWgrqE&feature=PlayList&p=EA521021729BDA06&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=5 ) its something they are known to do as a mating dance, but they also do it when enjoying their favorite food!

07-09-2009, 10:35 AM
Hi, I had never seen the parrotlet neckwobble before. That was so cute to watch!

Barb :)

07-09-2009, 08:32 PM
So cute! :rofl: