View Full Version : Finally!!

Pips mom
07-13-2009, 12:13 AM
Well, after a couple of failed attempts!we finally found us a little boy lovie who needed a home! We picked him up today (sunday) he is a normal green with a red face. He has been with other lovies and gotten along with them just fine, at one point was in the same cage with four lovies....she re-homed all but one. He came with cage, but it's not a great cage....kinda on the small side, but at least he has a familiar thing now with new surroundings and new people. He seems a little bit taken back by the whole thing, but in no time he was chirping away when he started hearing my birds! She never told me his name, so I called her back and found that her children had named him starburst, and her other one she kept is skittles.....I don't like the name....sounds more like a candy than a bird! so we're going to try to come up with something better. We only had him home here for a couple of hours before it was bedtime, so he's getting some needed rest now after his big change, hopefully he'll be all rested and happier come morning!
Any name ideas anyone has would be great.....I don't know where to start except we'd like it to be something that maybe sounds good with Pip, or maybe starts with a P. He is not clipped.....not for long though! apparently the owner never really took him out of the cage very much. He also seems small compared to Pip. After we get him clipped I'll try to get him on the scale to weigh him. We're going to give it a few days first though to let him settle in. He seems like he might be good personality type that might match up with Pip pretty good.....I'm hoping I'm right! He doesn't appear to be a biter, or cage territorial like Pip is.....I think we'd have a hard time finding another lovie as bold and brave as Pip! but he does appear to be somewhat brave, and not terribly scared.....of course on his first day here, Pip was shoving his way out the door of his cage.....the move never even phased him in the least! This little guy is definitely a little concerned about all of this! but I'm sure after a little while he'll settle in just fine! I'll post pics tomorrow.

07-13-2009, 07:26 AM
I can't wait to see pictures!

What about Pip and Squeak? :)

07-13-2009, 07:37 AM
Congrats on the newest addition to your flock! :)

It sounds as though once this little guy settles down in his new surroundings, he'll be just fine in the mix.

Maybe Pip will finally have new friend to play with, and they will be a great match. :happy:

07-13-2009, 09:56 AM

07-13-2009, 12:47 PM
How about shorting it to just Star? I would try to keep it near his current name since he is probably use to it. Congrats on finally finding the bird for you. I am sure he will love his new home and family.


07-13-2009, 05:38 PM
hehe, i love Flip's idea of Pip and Squeak. i guess as you get to know him, a name will arrive. :)