View Full Version : new lovie...new personality

Pips mom
07-15-2009, 11:20 AM
Our new little guy seems to be very sweet....never bites! Wow, what a change from Pip! He also seems a little bit more laid back than Pip. He's very active, but at least he takes a break from time to time! Pip just never stops! I have let him out now every day, three different times and he is an awesome flyer for somebirdy who never got out of the cage! The cutest thing ever was the little "happy dance" that he did the first time I let him out! if only I had the camera right with me at that time! He seems pretty happy/content and settling in well.....still afraid of us though, but he did land on me once, so that's pretty good for a second day here. When I play the video I recorded of him on the camera and he hears it....he flies right over and tries to get to it! When I fill up his food dish, after I walk away, he runs right over to eat! one thing I've noticed though is that he is not interested in the piece of millet I gave him.....maybe he never had it before and doesn't know what it is?? All my birds go crazy for millet....I wish he'd try it!
I made the mistake of letting him out last night after I got in from work and was not able to get him back in the cage......every time he'd land on the curtains, it was cozy and I guess he though he'd take a snooze there.....seeing as it was late and time to turn in for the night....so I had to keep chasing after him and it wasn't fun.....for me or for him! He flew so much he must have been exhausted.....I felt so bad! so from now on, until he is clipped, only out time is during the day.....this way he doesn't stop to take a snooze and will eventually land back on his cage and I can get him back in without a chase or grabbing him.
Overall, this lovie seems to have a good personality......I am not used to that! :rofl: Pip is just always up to something, and Soooo mischievous! I knew I'd probably not find another one that even comes close to my lil monster's mischeivous ways! but it's just funny to actually see it.....I think I have a well behaved one this time!
Here he is, my nameless little lovie.......

07-15-2009, 11:24 AM
Hi, what a happy little guy and such a cutie!

Barb :)

07-15-2009, 11:32 AM
So happy together! I'm glad you two found one another, seems like a match made in paradise!

07-15-2009, 12:17 PM
Im so happy you found another baby!!! Do you know if its a boy or a girl? I think I read that you didn't. I remember thats how Oslo was, so sweet and never bit!!! DEFINITELY a change from Gus, lol!

07-15-2009, 12:19 PM
Your new lovie is really cute!

While it's unlikely, he may not know what millet is because he's never seen it before! Other possibility is that he doesn't like it. Birds can be strange in their likes and dislikes. Monty (DYH), for instance, would rather starve than touch a peanut! :omg:

Pips mom
07-15-2009, 12:52 PM
Im so happy you found another baby!!! Do you know if its a boy or a girl?

Well, he didn't come with a DNA cert. so I guess there's always the chance he could end up a she! BUT.....the previous owner claims that he came from a pet store and was being sold as a male.....same as the other lovies she got.....all four were male and were in the same cage together at one point.....all got along well and never any signs of any mating, so I'm thinking it's pretty probable that this is a male. He's not cage territorial at all.....when I held onto the cage or put my hands in, he didn't care at all, where with Pip, if I put my hands on the outside of the cage anywhere, he'll run over and try to "get" me! lil stinker! I can put my hands in Pip's cage and he won't bite and doesn't care.....no, he just tries to get out if he's in there and I open the door!
I am pretty certain that this a boy.....I guess time will tell! Pip is not DNA'd either, but I'd bet my next paycheck that he's a boy!
So far Pip is not that interested in the chirping coming from the other room! He does talk back and forth with him, but as predicted, Ivy is his main interest! Now if that was Ivy he heard in the other room, he'd be flying towards it trying to get to her!

07-15-2009, 01:41 PM
Oh, he is just beautiful! I love to hear lovie chirps :)

07-15-2009, 03:45 PM
Oh, how I love a good story! I'm so glad Galavanter (suggestion? :) --Gala for short?) has such an agreeable personality; although there are no bad parrots!

When you said you chased him...it was no fun...he must have been exhausted...that's exactly what happened with Petey early in our relationship when he was released from his cage. I had to chase Petey until he was definitely panting because I couldn't leave him out all night. If I had allowed this initial precedence to occur, he would never have slept in his cage thereafter.

Even with his clipped wings, though, Petey still flew, but he caught on about going into his cage at night, chiefly because Juanita went into her cage. Thankfully, Juanita trained him. But it was definitely nerve-wracking in the beginning.

I'm glad things ended well for you and your newest lovie. Was his previous owner oblivious to this lovie's unique and delightful personality? Pity, if that's the case. I'm glad you'r enjoying him, though. :)

You've got a windfall.

07-15-2009, 04:54 PM
My lovebird sweetie is the same way definately lives up to his name flys and hangs out on me loves scritches and sink baths loves giveing and getting soft kisses eats anything overall i have to keep reminding myself hes a lovebird!!!
Congrats on the new cuddlebug.

07-15-2009, 07:31 PM
what a sweetie-pie. :) congratulations on the new addition!!! :happy::happy:

Pips mom
07-15-2009, 09:43 PM
My lovebird sweetie is the same way definately lives up to his name flys and hangs out on me loves scritches and sink baths loves giveing and getting soft kisses eats anything overall i have to keep reminding myself hes a lovebird!!!
Congrats on the new cuddlebug.

Oh, he's not a cuddlebug....he's still afraid of us.....he's just very sweet natured....compared to Pip! haha.....probably every lovie is sweet natured compared to Pip!! :rotfl Ohhhhh, my lil monster! but ya know I love my lil moster just the way he is! Pip is good natured, in his own way! Pip likes to keep us on our toes! he also keeps us laughing and with a face like this....:omg: just amazed at some of the things he does and how smart the lil stinker is sometimes! There definitely will never be another one like Pip! I think they broke the mold when they made him!

07-15-2009, 10:39 PM
Oh he's soo cute!!.. and sounds so much more calmer than a female ;) he must be a male.

I love how peachface lovies seem to have a beer belly! its just soo cute!

07-17-2009, 01:29 AM
sunshine could give pip a run for his money lol little aurora is picking up sunshines and then some he is only like 5 months old tho lol

07-19-2009, 05:27 PM
What a sweet little chirp! What does pip think about this?

I have yet seen a petstore dna testing.... so..... maybe Pip will be dumping Ivy! lol

He is cute