View Full Version : Lovebirds Mating for a month but no eggs?

07-24-2009, 05:08 PM
Okay so about a month ago my lovebird pair, Rex & Precious, began mating. I've had them almost a year. rex is about 1 1/2 yrs old & Precious is about 2 yrs. So I read that once they start mating they will lay eggs about 10 days later and, if no nestbox is available they will lay the eggs anywhere...even the foodbowl!...so I installed a nestbox for them. Well, these two have been at it almost every day for around a month and no eggs. I noticed they have pushed around the bedding (aspen) that I put in the nest box & there are a lot of feathers in there, too, but that's it. I have probably read every book in the liabrary here about lovebirds and each one says that the egg laying starts shortly after the mating. Even as I write this I can hear Precious starting her "love chattering" (that's what I call it) that she does when she's in the mood.

Has anyone else had this happen...constant mating but no eggs?:confused:

07-24-2009, 06:05 PM
Are your lovebirds dna'd male and female? males will mate with males females will mate with females etc, and are they both full blooded peachies or full blooded species as hybrids wont produce fertile eggs.
And like humans sometimes they get frisky to just get frisky lol

07-24-2009, 06:32 PM
My oldest pair mate like it's going out of fashion, no eggs though! :D

07-24-2009, 07:22 PM
Just cos they're mating doesn't mean they'll lay... mine do all the time and no eggs!

07-24-2009, 08:34 PM
Yep, both DNA'd. I guess they just found out they can do that and are just having fun! I figured that since they've been together awhile I had never done it before that they actually had a purpose in mind. : )

They also feed each other all the time...regurgitating their food for each other. I actually felt a little queasy when I first noticed them doing that...it just looked so gross! lol

07-24-2009, 08:38 PM
gross?!?! it's one of the biggest compliments you want gross have it done by a large bird like my sun conures right at your mouth when your giveing kisses... i guess like poop all over it's just something you get used to lol

07-27-2009, 01:33 PM
I saw a youtube video or video somewhere of a bird regurgitating on its owners big toe - lol she was saying "oh no not on the toe!" - it was hilarious.

Pips mom
08-04-2009, 09:49 AM
I don't really know with lovies, but I also have two cockatiels, male and female and that mate all the time and never any eggs!....which is just the way I like it! I freaked when I found out that the male I had just gotten was a girl and ended up with male and female. They've been together for two and half years now!