View Full Version : Happy Gremaldo (maybe)

07-26-2009, 07:12 PM
Update to "Sad Gremaldo"...

My husband seems to be relenting on my request to bring in Gremaldo, my brother-in-law's newly single lovie.

He is Jack's older brother, who's mate got outside and flew away last month.

My mother-in-law has been here from Cali for 5 weeks, and just went home.
I have time now, so I may be bringing Gremaldo to see if he and Jack will pair up (after giving them time to call to eachother from afar).

I can't believe it! :happy:

07-26-2009, 07:20 PM
~ C r o s s e s F i n g e r s ! ~

Sure hope Gremaldo gets to come stay with Jack and your flock! He deserves to be Happy Gremaldo!

07-26-2009, 07:35 PM
Thanks, Linda- :)

There's no way they'd remember each other, but I hope they like each other. Gremaldo was about 6 months old and in a separate cage when Jack was born (same parents). I brought Jack home when she was 2 weeks old.

He is a cutie. WF, peach brow, blue/green body. One of their other sisters, Tulip, is even more blue and beautiful. She's actually the one I would've taken if I had known Jack would be the only normal green the parents ever produced.

Gremaldo looks alot like Pip. :blush:

07-26-2009, 11:21 PM
Hi, good luck on the happy Gremaldo mission! Keep us posted and maybe a picture or two?! ;)

Barb :)

07-27-2009, 01:31 PM
Oooo that is some good news! I was just thinking about this the other day, wondering what happened to the little guy. So is hubby budging on the idea or is it solely based on if they get along or not???

07-27-2009, 02:01 PM
LOL- at first it was "NO WAY! You're not getting another bird."

Then it was just rolling his eyes when my BIL would talk about how lonely Gremaldo was.

Now it's "So are you really thinking about bringing him over here?"

So, I think sometime in the next week, I'll have Greg put him in a smaller cage and bring him over. He's in a 32"x32" cage now. I'll put him in the spare bedroom so he and Jack can call to each other. Then, after a month, I'll introduce them in a neutral area to see if they get along. After a week or so of getting to know one another, I'll try them in the same cage. (A big one that is new to Jack so she is not territorial) If they pair up, Gremaldo can stay. :happy:

If not, he'll go back to Greg, who loves him to death, and really doesn't want to lose him, but is thinking of Gremaldo's happiness. Gremaldo has other birdie friends at Greg's, who are all mated.

I'm a tiny bit concerned about losing some of my bond with Jack, though. :(

07-27-2009, 09:25 PM
I wouldnt worry about your bond with Jack - I think she's been around long enough to get to know you and love you. Even if another bird is introduced to the mix she will still remember the first love of her life:) Im so excited for you, though and I hope your birds end up getting along!! Im sure everything will go very well and if not at least you know he can return to a home that will love him right?? & as far as the hubby finally giving in, sounds like my bf - they always come around!!!:rotfl

08-02-2009, 07:49 PM
To be honest, if Gremaldo has a flcok I wouldn't assume your house is better than where he is at. While lovies do pair up, I've found over the years that birdies without mates due just fine as long as they are with their flock. Gremaldo has already lost his mate and now you are threatening the only security he has left. The only way I would consider a move to be better for the Gremaldo is if he doesn't get out of his cage to play with his other mates, then he may prefer some freedom.

Just my :2cents:

08-02-2009, 07:56 PM
So this week he's coming to your place right? Cant wait to hear the stories!!

08-02-2009, 08:24 PM
Hi Laura,
Actually, I did think about that...

And the reason he's so sad is that he is alone in his cage. Another pair almost killed Elizabeth & Gremaldo, (wouldn't let them eat, bit off toenails, etc.) so they were moved out. Now that Elizabeth is gone, and Gremaldo has no buddy, when the whole flock gets out, they all pair up and leave him out. When he's in his cage, he looks so lonely and sad.

If I thought he was happy there, we wouldn't consider it. If he's not happy here, he'll go home, and Greg may get him a buddy.

08-06-2009, 04:58 PM
3 more days until Jack hears the first lovebird language she's heard in over 2 1/2 years (since she was 2 weeks old). :happy:

They'll be hearing each other long before they see each other. Greg's birds are very healthy, and he hasn't gotten any new birds for quite a while, but still, better safe than sorry.

08-06-2009, 06:02 PM
Yes I agree - quarantine!! Im so excited for you and for Jack!

Pips mom
08-06-2009, 09:52 PM
Oh boy!!! another Pip??? I actually really love Pip's colorings....I hope he's not as bold as Pip is though! :omg: but....then again, if he is like Pip, I think there's a good chance he'd like Jack! Pip tends to like other birds, and he's not picky about if they are lovebirds or not!
I sure hope all goes well and I really wouldn't worry at all about your bond with Jack.....I've found that adding other birds hasn't changed my bond with any of my birds....even a male/female bonded pair....my tiels are a bonded pair, male and female and they love us humans just the same!
There's always enough love to go around! :D

08-07-2009, 05:40 PM
i'm excited :) another lovebird!!!