View Full Version : Every Last Drop of Hand Feeding Formula!

07-28-2009, 01:11 AM
All of my hand feeding formula clean up crew are very aware that I'm hand feeding 2 babies. They watch me put my green Tupperware mug in the microwave and they know that the "ding" means I will be mixing up their beloved treat within a few minutes.

As I feed the babies, they watch like hawks until I'm done and have put the babies back. After that, whatever is left belongs to them! Echo will moonwalk to catch my attention and Alex just climbs down a cage so she can come over and try to help herself!

Nothing wasted in this house! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

07-28-2009, 06:18 AM
I can just picture it! Until my sister handfed Yuki, I did not realize birds liked hand feeding formula.

She had to lock Rammie while feeding because he kept landing on poor Yuki's head to get attention and a helping or two.

Even Max wanted to be fed, which is unbelievable. At the first sight of a serynge, Max usually goes into hiding and biting mode.

I had offered some formula to Sam many years ago and she didn't like it so it never occured to me other birds might like it.

The only downside is the size, consistency and colour of the poops the next day!

07-28-2009, 06:29 AM
They never forget the hand feeding experience and it's funny to watch their reaction to the syringe when they are older! That's why I thought it so odd that Ginger wanted a taste! She's an import.........

07-28-2009, 07:59 AM
They say monkey see monkey do!

07-28-2009, 09:37 AM
That's just plain adorable. I can picture it...

07-28-2009, 09:52 AM
haha I, too, can picture them just watching and waiting - they probably know when its over, too, being all sneaky climbing down the cage, LOL!

07-28-2009, 09:58 AM
Echo will moonwalk to catch my attention and Alex just climbs down a cage so she can come over and try to help herself!


As for never forgetting the experience, you can say that in caps re Buddy! I think it helped me keep her as long as I did. She'd accept anything from a syringe: food, water, meds. Even Baytril! And not just accept it, eagerly slurp it down & try to stick her tongue in to get every last drop! The last year of meds twice a day was no problem administering. I didn't even have to pick her up. Sometimes she didn't even come out of her happy hut. I'd just put the syringe near the opening & she'd come right over & grab the syringe in her beak. A "bottle baby" till the end.

07-29-2009, 02:01 PM
That's so cute! :) I always keep some handfeeding formula for an emergency (if someone gets sick). Luckily, I havent had to use it for that purpose.

But, I also don't want it to get old or stale, or throw any away, so every once in a while I'll mix some up with pureed fruit, seeds and nuts for a treat. I make little balls of it. They LOVE it!

Of course, it doesn't really matter what kind of food it is... if they see me with a bowl or hear the microwave, they all start begging.

07-29-2009, 10:02 PM
So do you still need to maintain the proper formula temperature for these big babies or will they eat the cooled-down leftovers? :)

It sounds so cute.

It's certainly better than wasting it. When I was feeding Chickopea, I wasted a lot of that good stuff! It never occurred to me that Petey (the handfed one) might like it.