View Full Version : lovebird on craigslist?

07-29-2009, 01:52 PM
So I was looking around on Craigslist just for fun and came across an ad that said "3 month old lovebird". I clicked it and it's a peach face lovebird that's 3 months old for free. I sent an email to the owner/person who is giving her away but no response back yet. I payed about 110 for Junior at that age and I can't figure out why they would be giving away a hand tamed lovebird for free? Has anyone ever gotten a free baby lovebird before:confused:?

07-29-2009, 02:01 PM
Did they say why they wanted to re-home the little guy? Some people are just eager to have the bird leave their home, they just dont have the desire to take care of it or find out where it's going. & with craigslist, you can never really tell if a bird is hand tame or not. They can always say it was hand fed and tame but youll never really know until you interact with it - & even then it will probably be afraid of you because it doesnt yet know who you are and if it can trust you. Keep us posted if the person emails you back, Id like to hear what they say!!

07-29-2009, 02:06 PM
They have a picture of the lovebird sitting on their hand. It definitely looks young like it says and the ad also says good with children and healthy. I just looked at the ad again it it was posted yesterday in the afternoon. I'm thinking about writing to them again because on craigslist, people can easily take animals that are free and use them as snake bait and things like that. If they want to get it a home, I would be more then happy to take him/her in because I do have an extra cage. Then if it is healthy and gets along well with Junior I may keep it...or I may find it a nice loving home. :)

Pips mom
07-29-2009, 02:14 PM
There actually are a few here and there are given up for free. I see them too from time to time. Most people will charge a re-homing fee, but I guess in some cases they just want to find the bird a good home and not concerned about the money. I actually got my Pip from an add on craigslist and he was being given up for free with cage! His add though was obviously posted by a concerned owner who was going to be careful about who took this bird. It had pics and was long and posted alot of info about him. I did give him something for Pip, I didn't take him for free, I had to give him something, I just couldn't take him for free.
It is possible to find an add on craigslist for a free lovebird.....but always be careful when dealing with people on craigslist. Even though I made ok with my lovie, there are lots of weirdows out there and there could be something negative about the bird that is causing them to give it up....maybe it's a big time biter or something like that, so you need to be prepared to be getting a bird who is probably not tame. I was lucky with Pip....his owner was a nice young man who wanted the best for him! Just ask lots of questions and talk to the person giving up the lovie, and good luck! Alot of times things, and animals given up for free get alot of responses and the owner will have to choose which home he/she thinks is best.

07-29-2009, 02:36 PM
So I just got a reply back from the person with the lovebirds and he said that he has a black mask and a peach face, one is tame and the other is tamable but the adoption fee is 40 to 60 dollars. So turns out they aren't for free. It's good to hear that they aren't being sold for food and things like that. It would be nice to have another lovie though :D

07-29-2009, 03:42 PM
So I just got a reply back from the person with the lovebirds and he said that he has a black mask and a peach face, one is tame and the other is tamable but the adoption fee is 40 to 60 dollars. So turns out they aren't for free. It's good to hear that they aren't being sold for food and things like that. It would be nice to have another lovie though :D

It only figures......:(......Just as well, there have been many such ads floating around the Cleveland area. ... Unfortunately, many are lacking vet care, so you really do have to be careful about exposing them to your existing bird/s. ...... Really, the more question you ask, the better. .... Is this person a breeder? What are their birds history? (seems odd to have a Black masked and a Peached faced) ... Have they ever seen a vet? ... Which is something easily documented. .... The average cost for a lovie in our area (with some exceptions) is about $15-$75. Some will even toss in a rather small unsuitable cage. What a bargain.