View Full Version : Second-chance birds

07-30-2009, 06:44 PM
Hi everyone.
I was looking on kijiji today and there was a 10 year old senegal advertised. I emailed the lady and got a response back this afternoon. His name is Chicklet, she says he's really sweet but that he's too aggressive towards her blue-fronted amazon, and so she is getting rid of him.

It sounds like he needs a new home. From the pictures his cage doesn't look very nice, and she says that when he bites her she "hits him with a stream of water" >:>:

I'm going to go see him, and if we get along, I might consider bringing him home.

It also looks like he may be a bit of a plucker?

So...what do you think? Should I seriously think about it? :confused::)

07-30-2009, 07:25 PM
Picture #3 is probably the most accurate representation of this bird. The resolution in the second photo is awful so it's hard to really see much of anything.

I think the key to you adopting this bird is how will he get along with Kiwi? He's known to be aggressive with her BFA so I would question her about that aggression. Does this bird seek out the BFA and go after it? That would not be a good point with me. Sonny, my CAG male, can get deliberately aggressive with my other 4 parrots when everyone is out together and I've got to watch him carefully. He's never bothered any of my lovebirds but they are never out when he is.

I would think long and hard about this.

07-30-2009, 07:29 PM
Senegals are known to be possessive and aggressive. They are a one person bird.

Good luck with your decision.

07-30-2009, 07:36 PM
What a beautiful bird!! Im sorry the lady has to re-home. I agree with Linda, it definitely matters if Kiwi gets along with Chicklet. If not you can have two very different birds that may present some unwanted stress within your flock. You dont want to have to worry about them fighting or not being able to have out of cage time together, splitting your time between the two. Too bad you can't some how have a trial period with the two - I know thats nearly impossible to do without getting the bird.

Good luck with your decision, keep us posted!!

Pips mom
07-30-2009, 09:33 PM
My next door neighbor has a senegal....cute little guy....very playful, but a little nippy! She has other birds and I am not sure but I think there are no real problems with them getting along while out.....you never know how things will turn out though.

07-30-2009, 10:48 PM
hi feathers look pretty stressed.... makes me wonder what his diet is. cute though!

08-01-2009, 09:31 AM
We used to have a Senegal and a BFA who lived together. They loved eachother!