View Full Version : It's only day 8 but I think they love me

08-03-2009, 09:57 PM
Today was the 8th day with our new lovebirds. They are a pair of 3-year old adoptees. They are beautiful. The male allowed the previous owner to hold him but the female did not like to be held, so I didn't really expect much bonding with her.

Today, both of them climbed on my arm and up to my shoulder. Ever since then, they act like they want to be with me all the time. When I go to their cage, the climb all over the front and when I open the door to change their water, they want out. I am so thrilled, but surprised that they seem to have just clicked all of a sudden.

It is almost like they are moving too fast for me. :) I need to get up to speed on what to expect from these two... I am new to this. One likes to tug on my shirt. The other (the female) did nip at my fingers but I kept them tucked, knowing that neither likes fingers) so that they did not get bit.

Any suggestions for what I should do to get used to them since they seem to be moving so fast to tame me? :happy: I really expected this to take much longer and have been giving them a lot of space and just talking to them and caring for them.

08-03-2009, 11:32 PM
My advice: Just go with the flow! 8) If there's anything I've learnt from having a lovebird, it's to expect the unexpected! It sounds as though your two lovies are keen to give and receive affection, so let them! I think you've done exactly the right thing up until this point, i.e. you've given them space and you've taken care of them. You've given them the time to adjust and to decide they like you! :happy:

If the female's nipping or biting becomes a problem I would try some gentle discipline. The 'Biter's' forum should help you with that. As important as it is that your birds feel that they are loved, they also need to know who's in charge. :)

Hope they tame you soon!

08-04-2009, 03:20 AM
Hi Sherry,
With birds, trust is earned. There are no shortcuts. Your two see something in you that allows them to realize that you mean them no harm and that's a wonderful thing! They quite obviously want to be with you so I, too, say go with the flow. They are communicating with you just fine! You have allowed them to come to you and that's exactly what they are doing. As long as you reciprocate with attention, you will be part of their flock for life! :)

08-04-2009, 09:48 AM
Thats great that they are warming up to you so easily! I agree with Linda, just go with the flow! There are no rules in bird ownership and I see them trusting you this easily as a very good sign. Definitely post some pictures when you get the chance!!

08-04-2009, 01:37 PM
I posted a picture of Lemon and Apple (named by my kids) in the Photo Gallery. Enjoy!

Pips mom
08-05-2009, 09:22 AM
Wow, that's great that they are already comfortable with you. When I first got Pip, he acted like he didn't care a bit that he just went to a new home! Never seemed to miss the old one and being here just seemed like a new adventure to him.....he was never scared or us or being here! I remember thinking.....wow! I never saw a bird like this! Most birds are affected by a move and are scared and have to adjust to a new place/new people.....nope, not Pip! Seems to me your lovies are like this too....brave littel stinkers they are! I hear all these stories of people getting lovebirds who are scared and don't want to come out of their cage.....Pip shoved his way right out the front door of his cage within minutes of being here while I was playing around with it!
It's kinda nice to get a birds or bird who can get through the change of a new home with no stress and they just stay happy!
Congrats on your new feathered additions! Sounds to me like you're in for alot of fun, laughs and smiles! :nyah:

08-05-2009, 10:04 AM
When I first got Pip, he acted like he didn't care a bit that he just went to a new home!
Congrats on your new feathered additions! Sounds to me like you're in for alot of fun, laughs and smiles! :nyah:

Gussie was like that, too. We went straight from the pet store to the vet's for her well bird checkup. While sitting in the waiting room she was sitting on my knee, soaking up head/neck skritches. A lady sitting across the room asked how long I had had her. "Oh, about 40 minutes" I said. "Wow!", she said, "I thought you'd be together for years!" And it felt like we had!

It sounds like you all were meant to be together, too. Some birds are just meant for certain people. And isn't it wonderful when the right birds & people get together! :happy:

08-05-2009, 02:36 PM
So happy to hear it's going well for you and your babies! With my first bird, Oliver, it was pretty much love/trust at first sight. He was about 6 years old and knew to "step up" but had not had a close relationship with his former owner. We got along from the start. :D

My second two, brothers who were 10 weeks when I got them, took about a month for them to decide I could join their flock. :)

I agree with Linda..... go with the flow! And enjoy! Sometimes it takes months or even years to develop a close relationship with a parrot.