View Full Version : Music

08-16-2005, 07:14 PM
Well, I just purchased an Enya cd, and my birds seem to love it. They're more active, and sing to each other (and the music) more than usual, so I've been leaving it on all day for them.

So, how many others leave music on for their birdies, and what are some of their favourite tunes?

08-16-2005, 07:23 PM
I was just telling Ruby's husband that my knew kids like RAP!!!!! :omg:.....I think it has something to do with the base, surely can't be the lyrics! :D I do have a radio in their room and switch to different kinds of music during the day and to talk radio when our consumer advisor has his show on. They might need that consumer/financial advice one day! :lol My older love does respond to certain sounds in music. I think he'd like Enya! :)

08-16-2005, 07:36 PM
My fids like music too. We are a little diversified in my house with my hubby preferring country music, myself, easy listening, and some soft rock, my son rap, and classical music, so they get a bit of everything. Bela and Lacey seem to prefer my soft rock, Cappie loves anything he can dance to :lol

08-16-2005, 07:54 PM
Both my birdie rooms have a radio, and it is on country music. My GCC gets to watch TV, and the birdie in the Family room gets to listen to everything from kids to TV to mommy jamming out. :rofl:


08-16-2005, 10:00 PM
Amanda, DMB is always a good choice! He's the one guy that my entire family agrees on! Kids and adults! :D

08-17-2005, 08:40 AM
I leave them tv on for my three everyday. They get to sing along with Barney, Sesame Street, Dragon Tales, etc... When I do turn on the radio, it's soft rock/pop stuff. Sometimes I sing along and when I do...they squwak at/with me. Molly especially! :rofl:

08-17-2005, 11:30 AM
Ditto loves country, classical, jazz and bagpipes (yes bagpipes). 8) He's a singin' dancin' fool if Vince Gill comes on.

08-17-2005, 11:51 AM
My aviary and house rock when I play music! My birds love it and the noise level escalates as they chirp along with the tunes. However, with the high rate of bird theft here in FL, I don't leave music on while I'm not home. A lot of extra noise draws attention and I would be devestated if anything happened while I'm gone. :(

08-17-2005, 12:30 PM
WOW, I cant imagine people accually STEALING someone's PET bird! the gall of some folks!
You have to wonder what this world is coming to when your pets are in danger of being kidnapped, its not bad enough that people steal people...now its pets too!

OH, and my birds seem to like the song, "cotton eyed Joe"
My daughter found it online and played it for them, and MAN did it get LOUD in here, Im surprised that my hearing has returned. Now she can only play it for them if Im outside, lol, and they are MY birds!! 10 of them all screamin to the music at the same time :eek: "oyeevay!! (*sp)


08-17-2005, 12:44 PM
Here in FL, it's not just pet birds. It's any kind of exotic pet that has value if it can be sold. Birds are even stolen from pet shops. You've got to remember that FL is a big breeding state, simply because of our climate. Parrots are not as expensive here as when they are sold elsewhere. Stolen parrots are low priority, too, as far as law enforcement is concerned. You, the owner, have to be able to prove that the bird actually belongs to you should it be found.

08-17-2005, 02:29 PM
However, with the high rate of bird theft here in FL, I don't leave music on while I'm not home

Darn good thing I don't live close to Linda...she'd notice a lot of lovies missing alright...I'd be sneaking in like a fox in a chicken coop! :rofl: :rofl:

We leave a radio on 24 hours a day for the little ones.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-17-2005, 08:21 PM
I leave the radio on for my birds while we're at work. They listen to the talk show and then they hear music all day. I try to put it on classic rock but hubby keeps changing it.

Hubby plays the country music channel when I'm not home.

Birdies' favorite music is the songs I sing to them. They're fascinated by the horrible sounds that come out of their momma.

08-19-2005, 11:40 AM
Trixie will sit on my guitar neck or headstock and watch me play. I play at a high level and its hard enough to do some of the things I can do, now I have to play around where Trix is sitting sometimes!

Its halarious!
