View Full Version : Color changing lovebird?

08-08-2009, 09:56 AM
Peanut is a normal green peach-faced lovebird. All his siblings were normal greens as well. (I was the first person to pick out of all the eggs that were hatched so I saw them all)

I've been noticing a small patch of yellow on the bottom of his bib and then today, a houseguest who was holding Peanut asked if it meant something that he had yellow around his eyes. I thought maybe she was seeing the white, but upon a closer look, it IS yellow around his eyes.

I'll try to get a picture, but it may be impossible because Peanut is deathly afraid of cameras. In the meantime, is this possible? Is it his diet? He eats a very good diet of seeds, fresh and cooked veggies, some fruits, sprouts, fresh and cooked greens, some grains, and an occasional spray of millet, Nutriberry, and an Avicake. Oh and he steals walnuts and sunflower seeds from the Suns' treat bowls.

Llinks to pictures...



08-08-2009, 10:58 AM
Hmmmm....wonder if this is a variation on the saga of the purple parrot. Which I thought, for a while, my Gingus was becoming. Turns out she was rubbing her wet head, after a bath, on her chili flavored cuttle bone. Result: purple headed parrot. :rofl: I've since read of other birds getting various colors from wooden toys or certain foods. Anything yellow that Peanut has been getting into lately?

08-08-2009, 11:58 AM
LOL at your purple headed parrot!!

They did have a yellow and white pedi perch, but it has been gone for awhile because they kept chewing on it and had the metal part all exposed. But, I really don't think that would explain the yellow around both of his eyes.

Thanks for the suggestions!

08-08-2009, 02:00 PM
[QUOTE=Jally;145026]Peanut is a normal green peach-faced lovebird. All his siblings were normal greens as well. (I was the first person to pick out of all the eggs that were hatched so I saw them all)

I've been noticing a small patch of yellow on the bottom of his bib and then today, a houseguest who was holding Peanut asked if it meant something that he had yellow around his eyes. I thought maybe she was seeing the white, but upon a closer look, it IS yellow around his eyes.

Goof also has a few "recessive genes" floating around his bloodlines. Most notably in the tail feathers, centre of his back, and a tiny spritz of yellow right on top his little knuckle head. Seems to me at one time his head was all green.............:)

08-08-2009, 07:18 PM
Odinn also has yellow around his eyes and at spots around his bib- he always has.

He is a blue series WF seagreen.

08-10-2009, 12:01 PM
Thanks guys! To be safe, I have made him a vet appt for Wednesday.

08-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Jack is visually a normal green as well.

Those of you who've known Jack for awhile will remember that he is the ONLY normal green the parents ever had. All his brothers and sisters from every clutch have been blue or yellow.

If I look REALLY close, Jack has hints of yellow near his bib, too.