View Full Version : Attempted to buy pellets at Petco

08-09-2009, 10:52 PM
Since Petey is itchy allergic to corn, I thought I would try the rice-based pellets to make the conversion total. DrsFosterSmith sells rice-based pellets but I wanted to give our local Petco my business.

There were no rice-based pellets visible on their shelves and I was going to walk away ready to buy online, but a very nice sales clerk asked if she could help me.

Well, since she asked, I asked if they sold rice-based pellets. She didn't know but she could ask her assistant manager. She came back and said her manager told her Petco doesn't carry rice-based pellets because rice is not something lovebirds eat in the wild; therefore, it's not a product that they would carry.

Huh? I thanked her politely, of course. Actually, I could barely keep a straight-face.

08-10-2009, 03:11 AM
I guess the pellet trees are only corn based ones were lovebirds live huh? lol.


08-10-2009, 03:14 AM
At least they weren't a vet saying that I ought to put my birds on an all-pellet diet because they don't eat seeds in the wild... I DID say something. Mind you, this was years and years ago.

Hmmm... most of the things sold for our birds to eat are not things they consume in the wild. How frightening that this person is supposed to be the expert who educates customers.

08-10-2009, 05:32 AM
I'm absolutely speechless! Dumb and dumber in the real world!

It's a very scary thing to think that humans like these 2 are allowed to work in the pet industry and interact with the public!

08-10-2009, 09:30 AM
I feel like if you work at a pet store you really should go through some training so when people ask you questions regarding the care of their pets/family members you will know how to answer and be able to answer in a knowledgeable manner. Yikes, Petco.

08-10-2009, 09:36 AM
Hmmm... most of the things sold for our birds to eat are not things they consume in the wild. .

What I want to know is where in the wild Gussie would find cooked veggies...since that's the only way she will eat her veggies!!!

08-10-2009, 09:42 AM
At least Gussie is eating something that CAN be found in the wild! She's just very spoiled and there's nothing wrong with that!! :whistle: