View Full Version : Sigh... I do miss...

08-11-2009, 06:39 PM
...that characteristic peach-faced lovebird chirp :(

A new pet store recently opened just a few miles away from where I live, so I decided to check it out. They had a large selection of normal peachies, normal masked, one or two blue mutation masked and a few normal Fischer's. All seemingly parent-raised. The were clearly more interested in each other than humans, so I wasn't particularly tempted...

...until I heard the chirp. You know the one: the one that any experienced lovebird owner could pick out of a crowded aviary and use it to zero in on the lovies.

I miss my Beetle - I really do :very_sad:

Don't get me wrong: Pickle (my brotogeris 'keet) is a wonderful, fiesty, charming avian companion. He's fantastic.

There's just something about those lovebirds, though...

Pips mom
08-11-2009, 07:31 PM
There is......at first I used to think they sounded like a squeeky wheel! :rofl: but I have really grown to love their little chirps and sounds! I especially love the rapid over and over, long chirp they do! It's just so cute! Pip does something that I think is somewhat unique to him. He'll bob his head up and down when he's happy and make this cute little grunting sound. I immitate it to him all the time and he'll do it back! I think it's the cutest lovie sound!

08-11-2009, 07:42 PM
I miss the chirps too, big time. No stores around me ever have lovebirds which Im kind of glad because I think if I heard the chirp, Id cry!

08-11-2009, 08:14 PM
hubby is always amused how i can tell if there'sa lovie in the neighborhood... "hear that??"


i love teh lovie chirp!

08-11-2009, 08:31 PM
...that characteristic peach-faced lovebird chirp :(

.............. You know the one: the one that any experienced lovebird owner could pick out of a crowded aviary and use it to zero in on the lovies.

I miss my Beetle - I really do :very_sad:.............

Eliza. I'm sure many of us read you loud and clear. .....:grouphug:......That quirky little chirp. Like as though to perform a mini cadenza just so we know. ..... Bless your little Beetle ..... May he always be with you.

08-11-2009, 09:31 PM