View Full Version : Bittersweet

08-17-2009, 04:58 PM
Long story, but I'm no longer living with my boyfriend, and he wanted to keep Kiwi because she is in love with him. I am now living on the other side of the country, for at least two years. It may or may not be a permanent separation. It breaks my heart.

Sad news aside, a little while ago I posted about adopting a caique or poi. Well, I am going to be the proud new momma of a 4 year old red-bellied parrot! I am adopting him from a lady who no longer has time for him. When I went to visit on Saturday, she said it was the first time he has been out of his cage in MONTHS! Poor little guy. He's a darling, but will take some patience and love. I am really excited, even if it's bittersweet.

Here are some pics:




And a little movie that his current parront sent me:

08-17-2009, 05:27 PM
hope the break up was due to work or distance not because of any of the nastiness like mine lol
Yoour new addition looks adorable!
Hrmm heck make a true break and move here to hawaii :D
All kidding aside wishing you the best and if you need to talk we are all here.

08-17-2009, 05:35 PM
Sorry to hear about the break up and the move & losing Kiwi. & now you are halfway across the country, you really got outta there!! All kidding aside, I know these things are rough & like bubbleking said, we are here to talk if you need it!! Congrats on your new baby - adorable!!!! Cant wait to see more pics when you bring him home!

08-17-2009, 07:20 PM
I know how these things can go, my last breakup- as well as my brown recluse spider bite- sent me 3,000 miles away. I know how the separation from Kiwi must be, too. Please stick around here, we'd miss you if you went away.

Your red belly is one of the most beautiful birds I've ever seen. That's the first red bellly I've seen and wow, is he stunning!

08-17-2009, 09:21 PM
Hi, sorry you're going through a hard time and you had to give up custody of Kiwi.:very_sad: Hopefully your ex will send word and pictures now and again for updates. Your new bird is very handsome.;) I can't wait to hear progress reports and see pictures of your new addition as it will no doubt be in a more suitable environment as soon as you bring him home! :whistle:

Barb :)

Pips mom
08-17-2009, 09:58 PM
Awww, I'm so sorry for what you're going through....break-ups are the worst :very_sad: and then to lose a bird on top of it. I hope that you work it all out and remember......every ending is a new beginning! I know things seem bad right now, but a new and wonderful life with new people could be just around the corner. I went through a divorce......what I did was I just worked and worked.....two jobs and saved up some money. Working keeps your mind off of the bad things and the sad things....not all the time, but most of it. Congrats on your new feathered buddy! I bet he'll help you through this tough time.....just as you'll help him have a happier life....it's a win win situation! :wink:

08-18-2009, 10:04 PM
Your new fid is beautiful. Now, you must put on a brave smile and be strong for him--at least around him. I don't know how sensitive a Red-Belly is (you know, like a Grey) or if he's tougher (like a lovie) but a parrot needs a happy owner.

You know what I mean, we all go through moods, but overall, most of us are not depressed excessively. This is the ideal type of background a parrot needs. Anything less than cheer affects them because they pick up on our moods. Many times, we rely on the kindness of strangers--even if it's a Red-Belly!

Hang in there; you will come out of it. Your heart may not totally heal, but it will develop a sturdy, solid scar and under some circumstances, that's the best that will happen. (As you may have guessed, I have a heavily scarred heart, but that's another story.) I pray for you a totally healed heart, if it's meant to be. :)

Don't skimp on sleep, eat well, exercise (get those endorphins coursing through your body), and don't forget to interact with humans. :)

Best to you.

08-19-2009, 10:52 AM
Thanks everyone. It's really hard, and I am very lonely here. Yes, I moved across the country for work. But (as always) there is a lot of other stuff going on in the relationship too. I don't really know anyone in my new city, and so it's hard.

I miss Kiwi like crazy! I miss her little chirps in the morning, and the way she fluffs up and almost smiles when she's happy. It's hard not having a bird in the house!

I'll post some new pics of the red-belly when I bring him home in two weeks. I've got one of those big HQ flight cages, which I thought was going to be for Kiwi. Now I need to figure out how to set it up for my new baby.

Thanks for you support everyone. It *really* means a lot.

08-19-2009, 11:08 PM
It seems to me that parrots always seem to be smiling with those upturned "corners" of the beak, like dolphins. So sweet.

In two weeks you'll have your Red Belly. You'll be one eager fidma! Don't forget more pics.