View Full Version : awww, my first signs of a boy!

Pips mom
08-21-2009, 12:52 PM
Yup...looks like I got myself two little humpers! The new guy seems to have found a good use for the new happy hut that I got for him! It's looking more and more like I do have another boy here, which really makes me happy! He also is starting to warm up to me.....slowly. He took millet from my hand yesterday and will not try to fly off from me when I do things in his cage now. He also will fly right to me when he's inside the cage and I'm outside, he'll fly over and stick to the side of cage right where I am and seems to enjoy me talking to him. I love his personality from the start....although he's starting to get a bit "bolder" as he settles in and becomes comfortable here.....to be expected though from a lil lovie! Still very vocal and sings away and chirps ALOT! flies around in his cage and will flap and flap away like he's flying while sitting on a perch.....I really have to get him and clip him some more so he can have more out time, but I've been putting it off because I know he won't like us trying to hold him down!

08-21-2009, 01:00 PM
LOL- I hope you're right- but don't be too sure yet.

My girl humps EVERYTHING! Toys, balls, paper, me, avicakes, those little shreddable treat boxes, literally anything.

I prayed for a long time that Jack was a boy. I was in total denial until she laid her first clutch of 6.

08-21-2009, 01:05 PM
He sounds like an absolute doll! I'm happy to hear that he is settling in. Yes, they definitely have big attitudes for such tiny creatures! Fortunately they don't seem to hold grudges about being clipped. How much longer do you have on the QT? When do you get to introduce him to Pip? I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Thanks for the stories. I love hearing about new lovies!

Pips mom
08-21-2009, 04:29 PM
The new lovie is out here in the living room now with the rest of the flock and all is well. Pip pretty much ignores him most of the time! Once in a while though I'll catch him on his cage looking at him! The new guy seems to love Pip and Ivy too. I'm holding out hope that they will learn to accept him as part of the flock in time. As it stands, nobirdy seems to dislike him, they just aren't all that excited or happy about his arrival! The new guy is eager though to make friends!
That is too funny that your girl Jack humps everything! Pip is an avid humper! his feathers underneath even get all messy looking at times, with thin spots where you can see the grey fuzz underneath. He seems to be past the spring hump fest though....still humping, but normal amounts now, so his feathers are looking much better! I noticed that the new lovie's feathers look much nicer than Pip's....Pip even has some of that black stress marks on his blue rump area. Pip is also just finishing a molt and new flights are growing out.

08-21-2009, 04:47 PM
Oh no! Another humper!

Odinn stopped humping when I took the fleece out. I felt badly doing it, because they slept snuggled up in it, but... he was doing it constantly and I mean constantly.

I'm glad things are going well with the introductions. Kokoro moved into the bedroom with the other birds yesterday. He hasn't been screaming when I sleep/leave the room, in a little while now, and I think he knows to keep away from the other bird's cages. Benny's a bit miffed by his presence but the lovebirds are indifferent... and Kokoro is a little Buddha- I don't think much bothers him one way or the other.