View Full Version : introducing two birds

08-28-2009, 04:39 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to introduce my two lovebirds. I had them in the same room for several days already.
I took them out together in my bedroom for first meeting and right away Bucky, the older bird, got so excited and regurgitated to Rexy, the younger one. It was really cute. The only thing that bothered me was Bucky started spreading his/her wings and tail went up but he was still facing Rexy. After a few minutes, Rexi had enough and jumped to my shoulder. That's when Bucky got mad and went after him on my shoulder. According to my husband (who was there with me in case something like this happened), Bucky started nibbling on Rexy's wings and toes.
What do you guys make of this situation? I would like, at some point, to have them together in the flight cage that Bucky is currently in but I'm also afraid that Rexy will get injured and be bullied.

08-29-2009, 07:21 PM
Hi Starbuck, were these two birds quarantined before you placed them together? Quarantine is a very important part of bringing another bird into your flock. It is for their safety & health, so I hope that that precaution was taken.

As far as introducing the birds you are doing the right thing by having them out and being supervised. This is very important to ensure that neither of them hurt one another. I would just take this process day by day. Every day let them out together, with supervision, and watch to see how they interact. Over time you will be able to tell if they are going to be friends or they are not. My lovebirds fell in love right away. Do you know what sexes you have? If you have a male and female you will have to watch out for breeding behavior, you could end up with a nest of eggs!!!

Keep us posted how it goes, keep doing what you are doing with the "supervised visits". They sound like they just need some time to get used to one another. Time tells all!!

08-30-2009, 03:07 PM
You can put the bird cages side-by-side so the birds can get to know each other.

I set the cages up as mirror images so the food dishes are together, and the top perches are together. (toward the other cage) I set up their swings so that when they are swinging they can be facing each other.

If they like each other they will begin perching close to each other at night and you will notice them hanging on the cage bars talking to each other.

That is when I begin allowing them supervised play time together out of the cages.

Do you know the sexes of these birds?