View Full Version : He's Home!!!

08-30-2009, 10:55 AM
I know this isn't a lovebird post, so Linda, feel free to move it if you need to.

Yesterday I drove 2 1/2 hours each way to bring my baby boy home. He's a 4-year old Red Bellied Parrot, and his name is Eddie. I'm still toying with changing his name but the first thing he said when I put him in his new cage here was "Hi Eddy!" as if by saying his name he would calm himself down. He was a real trooper in the car. I had him in a small carrier with a perch, and for the majority of the ride he sat quite contentedly and chatted away, preened, and really seemed to enjoy the ride. It made me wonder if he's been in a car before because he really seemed to like it.

When I got him home he was a little more off-kilter. At his previous owners place he was in a room with about 15 other birds, so he called for them a lot. And very loudly! Luckily my apartment is pretty soundproof, so I don't think he was bothering my landlord's family upstairs. I asked him and he said he couldn't hear anything. Which means the walls must be VERY soundproof cause my little guy was really screeching!! I imagine he'll probably do that for a few days at least while he gets used to the place and settles in. It must be really weird for him to be all alone with no other birds around.

I put him to bed around 8:30--he was already perched up on the highest perch and was obviously very sleepy. Actually, so was I and I wasn't long to follow. It was funny though, all of my other birds are used to getting covered up at night, but he didn't like it one bit. So I left him uncovered with a little nightlight so he could see if he needed to move around in the night. I didn't sleep very well. Every time I woke up I looked over at the cage and could see a little body up on the highest perch. It made me smile so much! It's so nice to have a bird again! When I picked him up it really made me miss Kiwi a lot, which I wasn't expecting.

It's just 9am now. I haven't gotten him up yet, mostly because I know everyone upstairs is still asleep. I don't mind letting him sleep in on the weekends. I have all sorts of nice fruits and veggies for him. I might actually bring him out and let him eat breakfast on his little playstand if he wants to. I need to get him out anyway because now that he has been in the cage I see where I need to rearrange a few things to make it easier for him to get around.

I just took one picture last night because I didn't want to freak him out with the flash. Can you spot the birdie? (hint: you can zoom in)


I'm sure I'll have many more stories as he and I get settled in and used to each other. I hope you don't mind stories of a non-lovebird on here. I'm still a lovie-lover at heart.

08-30-2009, 10:59 AM
I think he is in the top right corner??? Congrats on your new baby:rofl:

I know he will settle in beautifully and be a wonderful companion for you!! I cant wait to see pictures of him CLOSE UP, hehehe.

08-30-2009, 10:59 AM
Congratulations on your new baby! I would not hesistate in opening the door and see if he wants to come out. I have a felling he will surprise you!

I hope you have a great first day with him!

08-30-2009, 01:15 PM
My Kokoro was like that, too. He was very content in the car and enjoying it, but when he got home he was very nervous for the first day. He really wanted to be held early on, but I've had other birds that didn't. Feel him out. I have that cage as well and love it!

08-30-2009, 01:35 PM
what a pretty baby!

i have a similar cage with only one door.... i recently switched sunnybird into it & it took her a little bit to get used to it.

08-30-2009, 01:54 PM
Congratulations! "It's so nice to have a bird about the house" :whistle:

08-30-2009, 02:20 PM
It sounds like things are going well so far. That's a nice cage set up, and I did find the bird! :) We'll definitely need to see more pics of him!

08-30-2009, 04:41 PM
Eddy is just the sweetest little parrot. This morning he seemed a bit upset that the other birds weren't around, but he ate his breakfast, and then I brought him out for a bit. He sat on my knee for a while and let me pet his head, and his wings! I couldn't believe it! He's stepping up right out of his cage without the stick, and he seems pretty content. Right now he is on top of his cage enjoying a grape. Oh, actually, I just looked and he's finished his grape. Now he's sitting there contentedly grinding his beak. This little parrot has already stolen my heart.

08-31-2009, 05:36 AM
Good deal! Sounds like he's settling in nicely and is beginning to accept you as part of his flock! :)