View Full Version : Ethel Broody; What to Do?

09-01-2009, 12:34 AM
:confused:Well, Ethel is still gaining weight which is a good thing. However, she's not doing anything now except shredding paper! No toy I've got interests her at all so out of desparation I let her go to it with paper which has unfortunately put her into a broody mood. Today I let her have just one piece of white 8x11 paper hoping she'll be able to manage with just that and get out of the nesting in my curtains. I'm feeling frustrated again with the situation; she bites everyone's fingers, is isolated up in the curtains all day, or, if she's in her large, well-stocked cage, shrieks the house down to get out. I'm open to any suggestions or help, please! :confused:

09-04-2009, 10:47 PM
I have found with my Juanita that there's no way to stop her from laying. She becomes focused on shredding and finding an enclosed space. She also starts to bite harder and more frequently. Unfortunately, this is one thing you can't will away. She will do what she will do.

Another lesson I've learned in my four-years with her is that since I can't change her, I must change my approach to her, my mind-set, if you will. This has helped tremendously as I no longer think of her in such a negative light; my love has grown for her, as has my patience--I didn't think it could, but it has. :) My tenderness with her has grown and I find her twice as cute, now. All this because I changed the way I think about her. This might be something for you to try with your lovie, or even with humans who are a handful. :)

Like your lovie, my Juanita also loves my curtains, especially since I have a valance and it's cozy and enclosed up there. Over some time with her, I have realized that she hates gift wrapping tubes. One day, I realized that I can put this tube near my curtains and she would stay away from the hateful thing.

I decided to call the gift wrapping tube, "Stickman" and I tell her in a warning voice, "Stickman! Stickman!" if I see her disappear into the valance. Soon, she associated "Stickman" with the hateful gift wrap tube and now, she knows that if she doesn't obey the command, "Stickman," the gift wrap tube will start to creep (I pull it out) out of the corner where it lives, and SHE WILL SEE IT. Scream, scream.

It works with no negativity required from me. I'm hoping that my solution will help you to work out your own creative solution. You might use this very same technique--feel free. :)