View Full Version : Need Advice About Buying a 2nd Lovie

09-04-2009, 02:49 AM
Y'all know my belove Ethel has had behaviourial probs in the 3 months she's lived here. However, today I was hoping to purchase a new cage with a baby lovie so Ethel would have company. The pet shop owner knows Ethel and advised me against buying the cage and lovie as "it might turn out like Ethel" !!

Anyone can advise on this, please. Of course I would quarantine and have separate cages for each lovie for a long, long time.

Janet :confused: :confused:

Pips mom
09-05-2009, 10:10 AM
Whatever you decide to do, remember this......when introducing two birds to each other, you need to just take it slow.....let them see each other from their cages at first and take small steps at a time. With Pip, he totally loves my pionus Ivy, but it's been a gradual thing to where they can be left together out of cage without constant supervision. They like each other and are good now....but it took time for that relationship to reach the point it is at now. They needed that time to know and understand each other maybe because they are different species of bird. Still....sometimes these things just take some time. I believe if you got another lovie, gave it time and did things slowly, that chances are all will work out ok. You never know with birds though.....they have their own little personalities and you could always end up with two birds who hate each other! it's always the chance you take when bringing in a new bird......I've been breathing a sigh of relief myself with my new lovie that he is fitting in so well!

09-05-2009, 10:05 PM
Thank you for the kind advice, Pips Mom. I've decided not to purchase the dear little baby lovie as I'm not sure if Ethel is "ready" for another bird. She didn't receive much attention in her first three years so hopefully she's enjoying all my attention now. An adorable baby probably isn't the way to go until she's been around here awhile longer. Now if only I can resist going into the local bird shoppe! So very tempting as all you fid mums and dads know. :whistle:

Pips mom
09-06-2009, 03:40 AM
Yes, I always liked to give it time in between bringing a new bird home, this way your Ethel will grow more comfortable with you. When I got my first cockatiel, I knew I wanted to get him a cockatiel friend, BUT I wanted to make sure he became friends with us first before introducing the new tiel. My stradegy worked......even though he has his bonded mate now, he still seems to love us all the same! Of course they do prefer each other, but both really seem to enjoy human company almost as much as birdie company.