View Full Version : Off to a good start!

Pips mom
09-04-2009, 05:37 PM
Today Pip got to spend some time with our new guy Rudy. While away from the other birds, both seem interested in being near the other. Pip will still try to nip at him, so I have to keep a close eye, but they seem to do ok together. I'm thinking in time they will be good friends, and I'm happy that Pip is starting to notice Rudy more now and not just want Ivy all the time! Looks like everybirdy is going to get along ok. I'm really happy with Rudy's personality.....he's so cute and so sweet and not half the little trouble maker that Pip is! I would have gotten pictures but my batteries for my camera have come to the end of their life, so I had to buy new ones and they are charging.
Also.....Pip and Ivy are so good together now that I can leave them in a room together and not worry about any problems. I even had them outside together the other day in the same carrier! They are true buddies! :)

09-04-2009, 07:26 PM
Im glad to hear the whole flock is getting along so well!! I know that always helps when there is no fighting going on. I cant wait to see some pictures!!!

09-04-2009, 09:06 PM
Pip sounds like a handful, just like my Juanita, so like you with Rudy, when I look at sweet and easy-going Petey, I bless him every day. :)

I'm glad the dynamics of your flock are harmonious; what can one ask for?

(Except pictures--and you say your battery is recharging. Hmm. )

Pips mom
09-05-2009, 11:56 AM
(Except pictures--and you say your battery is recharging. Hmm. )

Yes, unfortunately the rechargables I have for my camera have finally died. They lasted a really long time, but they can only recharge just so many times I guess! I bought new ones and they take a while to charge (I have a slow charger that takes about a day to charge them up) they are charged now and all ready to go, so I am set, but also off to work! So next time I have them out together I will definitely get some good shots!