View Full Version : smart lil stinker!

Pips mom
09-08-2009, 12:25 AM
Is it just me, or does anyone think their lovie is very smart! Pip is something.....he really amazes sometimes with things that he does that show he understands and realizes things that you would never think such a tiny bird would be able to understand! This morning was funny......I have moved all the birds now into the new "bird room" and they are pretty used to it now. I still let Pip sleep outside his cage on his little platform most nights, but have had to make him sleep in his cage while we had company staying here for a few days for his safety ( I don't want him getting stepped on!) anyway, I let him sleep out of cage last night, so I get up in the am, and turned on the TV out in the living room and sat on the couch......then I see something moving on the floor.....it's Pip! he came all the way out to the living room looking for me to uncover the cages so they can get up and he can be with Ivy! He's done this kind of thing before, but he didn't have to go very far then....he came to me from the other room and looks at me like....hey mom, it's time for us to get up! I can picture him now in the other room with the rest of the flock......ok you guys wait here....I'll go get her! :rotfl:rofl: It's just so funny how you know them so well that you know just what they're thinking and want, and how well Pip can always let me know....he's SO good at communicating things to me....such a smarty!

09-08-2009, 02:42 AM
Ahhhh, that is such a sweet story about your beloved Pip! Thank you for passing it along to us...

09-08-2009, 10:10 AM
I love your stories about Pip. I remember when you weren't feeling well and your boyfriend put him to bed, so he came out to peek and make sure you were OK before going to bed. Such a sweet little man!

It ever amazing how well these birds can communicate with us. Every day I learn more about how to communicate with each of my fids.

09-08-2009, 01:17 PM
LOL that is too cute that Pip does that!! He knows his routine = )

09-08-2009, 04:08 PM
You shouldn't be surprised...Pip repeatedly demonstrates that he is "smarter than the average bear"...or dog, for that matter. :rofl: I remember when I got my first lovie & went for the well-bird check up. Two things the vet told me that I found to be the gospel truth:
1. He's smarter than a dog
2. He's a perpetual two-year-old.

Buddy used to come looking for me on a regular basis. I normally took her with me from room to room. But if I didn't & I was gone for more than 10 or 15 minutes, she'd march herself to whatever room I was in. And 2, maybe 3 times I forgot to put her back in her cage when I left for work :omg: Each time when I came home, I found her in her cage! I can only guess, but I think she probably searched the apartment & when she couldn't find me, she "went home" to her safe place. I've said it before, but I'll say it again...you can call me a "bird brain" any time 'cause I'll take it as a compliment :)

09-08-2009, 08:43 PM
That's so cute! What a smart little guy you have.
Pixel wouldn't leave a room to safe his live, being on the floor is fortunately not his thing. He has a way of letting me know if I'm not obedient enough for him. If he's on my shoulder and he wants something he pinches my ear and I always know what it is he wants, it's such a cute thing.

09-08-2009, 11:48 PM
I love Pip! Don't you want to pass on his prime desirable genes? :) He sounds awesome. :) :)

Can't you hear the pitter-patter of little Pips?

Pips mom
09-08-2009, 11:52 PM
Haha! yeah....he may be smart, but boy is he a little handful! Not sure if I could handle a bunch of little Pip's running around! I'd have to buy all new clothes....they'd be all full of lovie beak holes! :rofl:

09-08-2009, 11:56 PM
lol pips such a cutie.
I can honestly say my irds definately pick up on my moods and act accordingly infact my birds realy realy helped with my last break up :)

09-09-2009, 02:03 AM
Pip is so cute and smart!!! That's so cute that he would come find you. Lovies never cease to amaze me!!

09-09-2009, 03:53 AM
my Keiko is really smart..he knows the door to his room leads to the loungeroom so he sits on the bookcase right next to the door and makes a noise that will make me come running and then he hides on top of the bookcase and when I open the door, he flys out...he does it EVERY day now..I feel like ignoring him but I tried one day and went to the window instead to see what he was doing and sure enough he was crouching on top of the bookcase,looking at the door,making a screech,looking at the door on tippy toes then croucing down again...naughty boy.