View Full Version : Our Weekly Vet Vist

09-08-2009, 03:40 PM
Well, Johari has been home 3 weeks. We just got home from our third vet trip. I sincerly hope this is not going to be the norm. The 1st visit was incomplete 'cause I had to think about it before I decided to keep a "special needs" bird. So we went back the next week to complete all the tests. (Last Tuesday) On Thursday the vet called & wanted to redo the bloodwork since Johari's uric acid levels were high & his/her hematocrit was low :omg: She said both could be due to mild dehydration. So I moved the water dish closer to the food dish...after all, there is a mobility issue here...and put a second water dish next to the prime-time perch. And we went back today.

Uric acid levels down.
Hematocrit up.
Weight up 2 grams (now a whopping 40 grams)
PBFD: negative
Polyoma virus: negative
Chlamydia: negative
(All swabs negative too, on first visit)

DNA: pending

22 days of QT complete

I actually saw Johari drink today...first time!

So, all is looking well. Johari has decided, however, that hands are evil :evil:

We now have a game.
I enter the room.
Johari retreats to the Cozy Sack.
I sit down, wait a bit, then say, "Coo Coo clock".
Instantly, a little head peaks out of the "Cozy Sack door, looks at me, then disappears inside again.
Repeat every few minutes.
After several rounds Johari finally decides to stay out...unless I move nearer the cage. Then it's Blip, back in the Cozy Sack! No mobility issues apparent if I'm approaching the cage :omg:

Johari is also quite the singer. Sings along with the birds on Birdsong Radio. Keeps it up for 10 or 15 minutes straight. Buddy never made as many different peeps, squeeks, chirps etc. as Johari. S/he isn't a loud bird, just pretty vocal. I'll sure be glad when QT and blood draws are done, and we can start becoming friends! At the moment s/he thinks I'm an ogre & I think s/he is a Money Pit!!!!:omg:

09-08-2009, 03:59 PM
Hey, that is good news! It sounds as if Johari is doing a whole lot better. Now hope for continued improvement and also getting to know him/her better.

Will he come closer with the enticement of millet?

Whenever I've had an untame bird I would save the millet for training and didn't put any in the cage. It's amazing how brave they can be when they want a bit of that stuff! :)

Good luck with becoming friends.

09-08-2009, 04:13 PM

Will he come closer with the enticement of millet?

Nope, not interested. Actually, I don't think s/he knows what it is. S/he was weaned onto pellets. The breeder said she tried seeds as well but that was a no-go. Johari also isn't interested in melon or grapes--two of Buddy's absolute favorites. I just got a juicer & am going to try some fruit and/or veggie juice. I really think it's the needles that are the problem. Johari wasn't afraid of hands when s/he first came home & is still a very calm bird. Eats & preens in the car, eats most of the time soon after I enter the room, doesn't even flutter when I pick up the cage to go to the car, vet, etc. Doesn't bite or struggle when I do catch him, but "escapes" ASAP. Plays with toys...even checked out the much ball I got at the vet's this morning, while we were still in the car on the way home. I don't know....I just haven't felt the attachment I immediately felt with my last 3 birds. Wonder if I'm still in mourning :confused: Or afraid to get attached until I'm sure s/he is basically healthy. :confused: Time will tell.....

09-08-2009, 05:00 PM
I think Johari can read! As soon as I posted that last bit the little twerp started showing off, like, "See? I'm cute! I do have personality! Watch me attack this bell, even if it is used (it was Buddy's favorite attack/let me out bell). And chew & climb on this ring made out of shells & mineral blocks & chewy spiral things. And even fall off of it & get right back up & try again! And stop to take a sip of water...I'll drink if you're going to get so bent out of shape if I get a little dehydrated..." So, now it's nap time, outside of the Cozy Sack...and I'm still in the room....There's hope for us yet...:happy: I just have to keep reminding myself....It's a baby. It's a baby (12 weeks old today)....

09-08-2009, 07:26 PM
All this sounds pretty normal for a baby lovebird who is in a new home, away from everything familiar. It's going to take some time to adjust and I think Johari is doing great, considering all that's going on in his/her life right now.

Glad to hear the tests are negative and the weight is going up. Fischer's are smaller lovebirds anyway, and I would not expect Johari to weigh more than 45-48 grams.

Pips mom
09-08-2009, 10:39 PM
Awwww, it's adjustment time and your probably a little taken back by all of this and it's so soon after losing your best Buddy! I think in time you're going to look back on this time and say.....Johari was sure worth all the trouble in the beginning! Sure sounds like you have a healthy little chirper there! Glad to hear Johari's doing so well! My new guy is very vocal as well.....and loud! :omg: but I just love their sounds so much that a loud little lovie is no bother at all!

09-12-2009, 12:17 AM
LOL. So cute and funny, Johari is. I enjoyed your post. :rofl:

Of course, to a 12-week old, hands are evil--look at the poking under the tail, the stabbing in the neck, the groping all over his body. Please! Such liberties.

"Coo coo clock." So funny. My Juanita plays "Peek-a-peek" which is sometimes the only way to get her out of my T-shirt, without getting bitten bloody. If I reach inside the shirt, she will bite, but if I say "Peek-a-peek" she'll pop her head out, then I can deftly scoop her out and not get bitten on the chest or back--only bitten on my hand--a more tolerable solution for me. Of course, I try my best not to let her get under my T-shirt, but sometimes she's quick.

My two peachfaces drink a lot of water. I read somewhere that they don't drink that much but my two drink freely during the day. Of course, they pee a lot, too. They squirt that stuff out.

Johari has gained weight. Go dude! :)

Give him your heart because I know he senses that you're withholding a bit emotionally. I know it's hard so soon after Buddy, but Johari is a new lovie deserving of love. They are sharp at picking up nuances around them.

Good luck.

09-14-2009, 09:01 AM
Johari sounds like a normal baby lovie. Of course, he/she will be a little more shy with all the vets and testing. I've also noticed over the years when we got babies they would be all cuddly the first few days, but once they got comfortable there was a lot of running away and acting like they wanted nothing to do with us. Luckily, you are patient and in it for the long haul so you can wait Johari out!!!!!!!


09-14-2009, 09:34 AM
I just haven't felt the attachment I immediately felt with my last 3 birds. Wonder if I'm still in mourning :confused: Or afraid to get attached until I'm sure s/he is basically healthy. :confused: Time will tell.....
This is exactly what happened to me after Miracle left for Rainbow Bridge. She and I were joined at the hip, so to speak, and her death hit me very hard. Of course, I met Harley (TAG) at a show not quite 3 weeks later and he was determined that he was going to go home with me. It took me 2 days to finally decide I wanted him to join my flock, but my enthusiasm just wasn't there. Bottom line....he wasn't Miracle, not that I expected him to be, but I knew he needed a loving home and he was still with the vendor who brought him to the show at the end of the second day.

It took me a while to realize that Harley knew better than I did! He and I are very close and I'm very glad I had the common sense to realize I could give him what he wanted so badly......a stable, loving home.

Johari is not Buddy. Buddy will forever have a special place in your heart that cannot be shared by anyone. However, I think you have enough love to spread around and Johari will become a treasured part of your flock! :)

09-14-2009, 11:11 AM
Re: that attachment thing.... it took me three years to allow myself to fall for another lovie after my Haley passed... and then when I brought home Maka only to lose him to rainbow bridge after 3 mo & then bring home Sunny after a month.... it took me ahwile to warm up to her. But now she & i are pals & she's brought my hubby around to the joys of being owned by a lovebird. give it time, it'll work!