View Full Version : Flight suits?

09-11-2009, 02:33 PM
I saw a family that takes their parrots on vacation and they put flight suits on them. Do the flight suits hurt the bird or are they comfortable? If I get a larger parrot I may want to buy a flight suit so it can travel with me but only if it doesn't hurt the bird. This may be a dumb question but I'm just curious. :)

Also, they don't make flight suits for little lovebirds do they? :confused:

09-11-2009, 08:06 PM
I don't think flight suits are a good idea for smaller birds... but that's just my opinion.

I know a disabled person with a trained and certified service parrot (a quaker) who uses a flight suit... but this bird is extremely well trained. Its an issue I'm up in the air over with medium sized to large birds, but with smaller ones, definitely not.

09-12-2009, 07:18 AM
They do make flightsuits for the little ones. I have the 2 smallest sized flightsuits because I couldn't figure out which size would fit Peanut better. But, it was the next to the smallest size that fits Peanut better.

He has had it on 1 time but he hates it! Peanut loves the outdoors and loves to go bye bye's. But, when he is in his carrier all he does is climb it trying to find an escape route. So, I thought I'd try a flightsuit. I've had it since June and he is still as scared of it as he was the first time he saw it LOL

I should have started getting him acclimated to it when he was a baby, but honestly, I didn't know about flightsuits then.

Pips mom
09-12-2009, 12:26 PM
I got Ivy a flight suit in the spring. When we first got her I remember she was so severely clipped that she dropped like a rock and had absolutely no flight.....it was sad, but I could take her outside on the deck and she loved sitting outside with me like that! So now she has some flight and I get the flight suit, spend all that money on one and she won't let me put it on her! I've tried a few times, but I don't want it to be a big fight to get it on her, so I stop and then try again another time.....so far she isn't going for it....maybe one day though!