View Full Version : Baby steps to a meeting...

09-13-2009, 10:37 AM
Been to the vet, he's good, so I brought Gremaldo out of quarantine :)

They had been hearing each other from afar for a month. My next step was to put his cage in the room next to the bird room, where the birds could see AND hear him.

After two days, I put him IN the bird room.

Two more days and I put Gremaldo's cage right next to Jack's.

Yesterday I made the cages touch. They can't pass food back and forth, but they have been passing pieces of shredded paper.

I let them out last night together. Gremaldo wants to be friends really badly, but Jack has never been near another lovebird.

She tried to bite him :(

Looks like this is going to be a slow process, that is IF Jack ever accepts him.

09-13-2009, 07:58 PM
A little better luck today.

Not quite as much lunging toward Gremaldo, but Jack still tried to bite him.

Hmmm- itty bitty baby steps...

09-13-2009, 09:44 PM
Baby steps are good! Try to be patient--I know it's hard!

09-14-2009, 08:55 AM
Hey Jeni. These things can take time, which you know. I think the biggest problem is Jack is bonded to you and sees you as her mate. So she has no use for another mate at the moment. Hopefully, she will see how much greater fun a lovebirdy mate is than a human mate:rofl:.