View Full Version : Johari is...DRUMROLL...a

09-14-2009, 09:40 PM

Guess I won't have to go shopping for humpy toys any time soon. So, now do I get a boy bird & risk having to deal with eggies, or do I just wait to see if Johari & Gussie are going to be buds? I know the breeder owes me another bird, but maybe I should wait for the next clutch so Johari & I have time to become friends. Decisions, decisons :omg:

Side bar: Who needs a pendulum. The last 5 birds I chose were ALL hens! Just let me pick out my favorite in a clutch, and it will be a girl. :rofl: I did have one male in the past 35 years but he was given to me...I didn't pick him out. And he was supposed to be a girl

09-14-2009, 09:46 PM
Awww, I can't wait to get Junior DNA'd and find out what Junior is! I got the DNA kit in the mail today, yayyy :). Is the breeder you got Johari from in Monterey? I wouldn't mind traveling there and getting a bird, or near that area because Monterey is my ultimate favorite place to be. I just can't seem to find any breeders here..it's very hard.

09-14-2009, 09:53 PM
Yes. Actually, she is even a little closer to you. She is in Prunedale just north of Salinas. She only has Fischer's lovebirds. The last time I talked to her she still had 8 birds from her most recent clutches. They all hatched in early to mid June.

09-14-2009, 10:06 PM
Yes. Actually, she is even a little closer to you. She is in Prunedale just north of Salinas. She only has Fischer's lovebirds. The last time I talked to her she still had 8 birds from her most recent clutches. They all hatched in early to mid June.

Fisher's are the multi-colored kind of lovebirds right? Does she happen to have a website that I may be able to see her birds on? If not, that's okay :)

09-14-2009, 10:21 PM
........ So, now do I get a boy bird & risk having to deal with eggies, or do I just wait to see if Johari & Gussie are going to be buds? I know the breeder owes me another bird, but maybe I should wait for the next clutch so Johari & I have time to become friends. Decisions, decisons :omg:........

Oooooo.....Johari!.....Just her name transcends into an aura of beauty and mystery.......:blush:.......You know, i'm not sure i'd want any boys to hang around a girl named Johari. ... Sorry, I am of no help here........:whistle:

09-14-2009, 10:26 PM
Fisher's are the multi-colored kind of lovebirds right? Does she happen to have a website that I may be able to see her birds on? If not, that's okay :)

Yes, they are multi-colored. And smaller than Peachies. Bambi has a web site


but there are no pictures. I may be getting another bird from her but haven't made up my mind for sure, yet. I'm still a little gun-shy, given Johari's metabolic bone disease. She does seem to be other-wise healthy, happy, playful, and calm. I'll keep you posted, once she is out of QT.

09-14-2009, 10:28 PM
Oooooo.....Johari!.....Just her name transcends into an aura of beauty and mystery.......:blush:.......You know, i'm not sure i'd want any boys to hang around a girl named Johari. ... Sorry, I am of no help here........:whistle:

Hmmm, now that you mention it, Johari, Matahari.....:rofl:

09-14-2009, 10:32 PM
Yes, they are multi-colored. And smaller than Peachies. Bambi has a web site


but there are no pictures. I may be getting another bird from her but haven't made up my mind for sure, yet. I'm still a little gun-shy, given Johari's metabolic bone disease. She does seem to be other-wise healthy, happy, playful, and calm. I'll keep you posted, once she is out of QT.

That doesn't sound to good, i'm sorry :(. I love hearing news though so yes, keep us posted! :happy:

09-14-2009, 10:56 PM
Yay! Her name fits her!

I wanted Jack to be a boy SO badly. She's not mean and nesty at all, but I didn't want to have to worry about egg binding.

By the way- Jack is a "she" and humps everything from soft toys, to my hand, my hair, toy balls, scratchy avicakes, paper, doesn't matter to her.

Lots of folks will have different opinions about whether to get another baby now, or wait till you two bond. There are good reasons for both.

I think if it were me, personally, I'd get a baby now (from a different set of parents), that Johari might know. I'd keep them in separate cages for bonding time with me for a while, but let them play so they accept eachother as buds.

Since my Jack never knew another lovie, it's proving hard for her to get close to Gremaldo. I know all birds are different, but had I known I was going to get another lovie, I think I would have done it when Jack was much younger than she is.

Congrats on your little girl!

09-14-2009, 11:16 PM
By the way- Jack is a "she" and humps everything from soft toys, to my hand, my hair, toy balls, scratchy avicakes, paper, doesn't matter to her.

Oh great! Thanks soooooo much for that bit of hopeful information :omg:

You make some good points for getting another bird now. I'd fallen into that old either/or trap. Either get another bird now & cage him with Johari, or don't get another bird. But another bird, housed individually....something to think about. It would be one more cage to clean but wouldn't cost more in upkeep. I have the cage I use for Gussie's go-to-grandma's cage. It's a bit on the small side but not too bad, especially since it hopefully wouldn't be permanent. I do know that the breeder has several of Johari's "pile mates", as my brother labeled them when I told him that the first time I saw Johari she was in a "pile" of 12 lovies, from 3 different clutches.

So much to think about!

09-14-2009, 11:30 PM
i knew it! :) i kind of wish i'd gotten another bird at the same time as i got my current one, because i know i'd like another, and then it wouldn't have to go through quarantine and all. i'm interested to hear what you decide!

09-14-2009, 11:36 PM
How lovely to have a girl! I love my girlie, Juanita. Today, after she finished mating with Petey, she flew over and did the clicky-swishy dance on my head. :rofl: She's very sensitive to my needs, so thoughtful that she doesn't want me to think that she's neglecting me.

When you talk about getting another lovie to keep Johari company, and if you should get a male, and things...happen, :) how does her MBD affect her egg-laying capabilities? What did the vet say?

I know, we always worry about what's best for them.

09-15-2009, 12:06 AM
When you talk about getting another lovie to keep Johari company, and if you should get a male, and things...happen, :) how does her MBD affect her egg-laying capabilities? What did the vet say?

I know, we always worry about what's best for them.

I never even thought about that :omg: Guess it's phone-call-to-the-vet time :omg:

I love this community...what one member doesn't think of another surely will! Many brains make for healthier birdies...and happier parronts :happy:

09-15-2009, 01:41 AM
GRATS on the girlie bird! i'm glad you're happy with the results! please to make sure that lots of johari pics are forthcoming!

09-15-2009, 04:56 AM
Does Johari have round eyes or almond shaped ones? When looking at eye-ring species, eye shape (just look at the eye itself) seems to give a clue as to gender.

09-15-2009, 07:49 AM
I'll check when she wakes up, just out of curiosity. But my "announcement" is made after getting DNA results back :happy:

But that info may come in handy if I decide to get a second bird. Should I get another female. and just plan to cage her seperately. to reduce the chance of eggies? I know 2 girls are unlikely to want to share a cage. But if they each have their own cages, do that have a good chance of becoming friends?

09-15-2009, 08:00 AM
Since the DNA came back female, Johari should have almond shaped eyes. I would never guarantee gender based on this method but it has always worked for my own personal purchases.

It's pretty much your choice as to which gender you get when/if you get a second lovie. Single hens can lay eggs even without a male so the worst that can happen is you could have two egg laying hens.......:omg:

There's nothing to say that Johari would not get along famously with another hen. I actually had 2 females that would lay simultaneous clutches and incubate their eggs side by side. When they slept at night, one would put a wing across the other's back. It was adorable! :)

09-15-2009, 08:28 AM
Congratulations on finding out Johari is a girl! I'm glad you're happy with the news. She's such a beautiful little lovie.

I liked Linda's story about the two hens laying together and sleeping side-by-side with the wing on top. How cute!

I have a pair of hens (DNA'd female) who are a very bonded couple. They are adorable together and both are sweet when I take them out too. They will chatter back and forth to each other but they also both answer when I talk to them too.

Lately they've been doing a lot of allo-feeding and mating. They don't have any shreddables but they are literally destroying any toy I give them that has any sort of string with beads on it that they can chew up. I'm thinking they may start laying, but so far I've been lucky on that score.

Can you imagine a nestbox with 12 eggs in it if they both laid six??? :omg: At least they wouldn't be fertile. :)

BTW - These two hens have been together since they were babies. They are from two different clutches but were put together in the fledgling cage when I had lots of babies last summer. They got along so well that I left them together when I was separating birds who started fighting as they matured. I don't have any other hens who get along well enough to be caged together.

09-15-2009, 09:21 PM
COngrats you got a little girl on your hands!!!!! Im like you, waiting to see if my birdies will eventually be friends!! I think we will end up getting Oliver (parrotlet) a friend, he wants SO BAD to play with Neko and Neko is such a bully.

Congrats on your girl! @ least now you know what behaviors to look out for ; )